
prdj @ ウィキ内検索 / 「heightened-awareness」で検索した結果

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  • Hellknight
    Pathfinder Tales Hellknight 著者 Liane Merciel Devils in Her Blood The Hellknights are a brutal organization of warriors and spellcasters dedicated to maintaining law and order at any cost. For devil-blooded Jheraal, a veteran Hellknight investigator, even the harshest methods are justified if it means building a better world for her daughter. Yet things get personal when a serial kil...
  • PRD外/クラス/サイキック/アーキタイプ
    サイキックのアーキタイプ Psychic Archetypes Esoteric Starseeker Esoteric Starseeker 出典 Wilderness Origins 30ページ  The esoteric starseeker archetype s Newlyweds constellation grants breath of life as a bonus spell in place of reincarnate, and the Stargazer constellation grants foresight as a bonus spell in place of dream voyage.  The celestial bodies travel through the sky in fixed patterns, and kno...
  • BOTD/神格/シフケシュ
    シフケシュ Sifkesh  出典 Inner Sea Gods 320ページ /The Sacred Whore 詳細 属性 混沌にして悪 神殿 デーモン・ロード 関心のある範囲 Despair, heresy, suicide 領域 Chaos, Evil, Madness, Trickery 副領域 Deception, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Loss, Nightmare, Truth* * 〔外典の侍祭〕の信仰特徴が必要である。 好む武器 ウォー・レイザー 聖印 Slashed feminine hands 神聖な動物 Asp 神聖な色 Red, white 恭順 Obedience Perform a ritualized suicide by first scribing a note lambasti...
  • PRD外/モンスター/テンプレート
    + 目次 エアリアル(CR+0あるいは+1) Aerial アルケミカリィ・インヴィジブル種(CR+2) Alchemically Invisible Aqueous(CR+0あるいは+1) Aqueous Black-Blooded Creature(CR+3) Black-Blooded Creature Boreal Creature(CR+1) Boreal CreatureCreating a Boreal Creature Calcified(CR+1) Calcified Child of Yog-Sothoth(CR+1) Child of Yog-Sothoth Chthonic(CR+0あるいはCR+1) Chthonic Colour-Blighted(CR+0) Colour-Blighted Comma...
  • PRD外/クラス/サイキック/念術修養
    念術修養 Psychic Disciplines Bleaching Bleaching 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 18ページ  You draw power from a void in your emotions, a yawning and empty chasm where your hopes and dreams and fears should be. It is very rare for any creature besides a gnome to have this psychic discipline—usually a bleachling or a gnome with a particularly strong fear of the Bleaching—but in occasional cases members of...
  • PRD外/種族/グリーン・マーシャン
    グリーン・マーシャン Green Martians 出典 Pathfinder Worldscape #2 24ページ  Among the hardiest and longest-lived of Barsoom’s savage races, the green men of Mars rove the planet’s wastelands in brutal tribes of thousands of warriors, seeking their fortunes as nomads amid the crumbling ruins of ancient cities and the vast barren wildlands between them. The green Martians have ever been at war with the re...
  • PRD外/クラス/サイキック
    心的増幅 Phrenic Amplifications 生体動力学的治癒(超常)/Biokinetic Healing 出典 Occult Origins 16ページ:サイキックが変成術から接合呪文を発動したとき、心的蓄積から1ポイントを費やすことで、接合呪文のレベル毎に2ヒット・ポイントを回復することができる。 ドラゴンのブレス(超常)/Dragon s Breath 出典 Occult Origins 16ページ:サイキックは心的蓄積から2ポイントを費やして、効果が30フィート直線上または爆発領域である接合呪文をブレス攻撃としてサイキックの口から発するように変更できる。 心の目(超常)/Mind s Eye 出典 Heroes of Golarion 13ページ:一部のサイキックは視覚と精神の間隔を訓練し、統一した焦点と結びつけて、遠隔呪文をより適切に導き、驚くほど...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター/アーキタイプ
    ‌ファイターの‌アー‌キ‌タ‌イ‌プ‌ ‌Fighter ‌Archetypes ‌Aerial Assaulter‌ ‌Aerial Assaulter ‌出‌典‌Blood of the Ancients 25ペー‌ジ‌  As staunch believers in the value of higher ground, the Shory developed special fighting styles that capitalize on fighting from above. While many dismiss such techniques as a niche tactic, aerial assaulters leap to great heights and create higher ground where there is none.  クラ...
  • BOTD/神格/イヒドトルス
    イヒドトルス Yhidothrus  出典 Inner Sea Gods 320ページ /The Ravager Worm 詳細 属性 混沌にして悪 神殿 デーモン・ロード 関心のある範囲 Age, time, worms 領域 Chaos, Death, Evil, Repose 副領域 Ancestors, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Entropy, Murder * 〔外典の侍祭〕の信仰特徴が必要である。 好む武器 スパイクト・チェイン 聖印 Worm-filled hourglass 神聖な動物 Worm 神聖な色 Black, pale yellow 恭順 Obedience Meditate in a closed coffin partially filled with worm-infested soil...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター
    上級鎧訓練 Advanced Armor Training 出典 Weapon Master s Handbook  Highly skilled and tenacious fighters can gain advanced armor training, learning techniques and applications of the armor training class feature that give them special benefits in exchange for reducing their ability to mitigate their armor’s armor check penalty and improve its maximum Dexterity bonus. Beginning at 7th level, instead of i...
  • PRD外/種族/チェンジリング
    チェンジリング Changeling チェンジリングの副種族 アニスボーン(戦いの女)Annis-Born(Slag May) 出典 Blood of the Coven 5ページ  Broad-shouldered and athletic, slag mays demonstrate incredible talent for all physical tasks. They share a vivacity, an addiction to new sights and experiences, and a tendency to collect souvenirs wherever they go. 祖先 アニス・ハグ 一般的な属性 混沌にして中立 能力値修正 +2【筋力】、+2【魅力】、 –2【耐久力】 ハグの種族特性 アニスボーンは 近接攻撃によるダメージに...
  • BOTD/神格/ラマシュトゥ
    ラマシュトゥ Lamashtu  出典 Inner Sea Gods 92ページ /Mother of Monsters 詳細 属性 秩序にして悪 神殿 主な神格 その他の神殿 Deities of Tian Xia, Demon Lords 関心のある範囲 Contracts, pride, slavery, tyranny 領域 Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength, Trickery 副領域 Cannibalism, Corruption, Deception, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Ferocity, Insanity, Nightmare, Riot, Thievery, Truth* * 〔外典の侍祭〕の信仰特徴が必要である。 好む武器 ファルシオン 聖印 Three-eyed jack...
  • PRD外/種族/ハーフオーク
    ハーフオーク Half-Orc ハーフオーク の副種族 Darklands Half-Orcs (Gloomkin) 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 24ページ、Bastards of Golarion 11ページ  At the end of the Age of Darkness, when light returned to Golarion, many orcs lost their footholds on the surface world and returned to the Darklands, taking their half-orc progeny with them. Of all the half-orcs, gloomkin face the harshest treatment; they are punished and a...
  • PRD外/クリーチャー種別
    (Acid)の副種別/Acid:This subtype is usually used for outsiders with a connection to the Quasi-Elemental Planes of Acid. Acid creatures always have swim speeds and are immune to acid damage. Acid creatures have vulnerability to water. Unless otherwise noted in the creature’s description, a water based effect or spell deals 1d4 points of damage per spell level to a creature with this subtype, unless oth...
  • PRD外/クラス/ピット・ファイター
    ピット・ファイター Pit Fighter  出典 Paths of Prestige 40ページ  Any good pit fighter will tell you, it doesn’t matter how well you fight—all the crowd cares about is blood, and they don’t care if it’s yours or the other guy’s. So if you want to survive your time in the pit, make sure the people get their blood, and lots of it. If you’re lucky enough, the audience will be on your side, you’ll feel the roar...
  • PRD外/クラス/ダウンフラワー・ディシデント
    ダウンフラワー・ディシデント Dawnflower Dissident  出典 Paths of Prestige 20ページ  The church of Sarenrae is known across Golarion for its benevolence. In some regions, it is a faith that seeks little more than the succor and relief of suffering wherever it can be found, a warming and cleansing flame that banishes chill, darkness, and despair. Elsewhere, Sarenrae’s faith is a flame that not only cleanses but ...
  • PRD外/クラス/バード/アーキタイプ
    バードのアーキタイプ Bard Archetypes 秘術の回復士 Arcane Healer 出典 Faiths and Philosophies 13ページ  バードは純粋な利他的な主義から、そして冒険している仲間を安全にする両方から、病気や負傷を癒やしたいと思う様々な理由があるかもしれないが、回復能力は、豊富な詐欺と詐称の扉を開け、クレリックや信仰の回復者を装うことをはるかに容易にする。  エネルギー放出(超常)/Channel Energy:2レベルの時点で、秘術の回復士は自身より1レベル低いクレリックとして正のエネルギー放出の能力を得る。エネルギー放出の効果範囲内のクリーチャーがこの効果に対してセーヴィング・スローを行う場合、DCは 10+秘術の回復士レベルの半分+【判断力】修正値である。秘術の回復士は2レベルの時点で1日1回だけこの能力を使用でき、4レベル毎に1日あたり...
  • PRD外/クラス/スピリチュアリスト/感情の傾倒
    感情の傾倒 Emotional Focus Desperation Desperation 出典 Elemental Master s Handbook 13ページ  A phantom with this emotional focus died desperate and panicking—a victim of drowning, suffocation, or some other inexorable and traumatic death. The phantom relives its horrific demise over and over, futilely clawing at its foes to save itself and dragging them down with it. Desperation phantoms often hold powe...
  • PRD外/種族/プリミティヴ・ヒューマン
    プリミティヴ・ヒューマン Primitive Humans 出典 Paizo Blog The Gauntlet Will Be Ours! 1ページ  Early humans were far more primitive than their modern descendants. While they still had the capacity to create great works of art and solve complex problems, the reality of their existence meant that most had to fight for survival on a daily basis. As a result, primitive humans devoted more of their time to honi...
  • PRD外/クラス/チェナサルド・ウォーデン
    チェナサルド・ウォーデン Chernasardo Warden  出典 Pathfinder #116 Fangs of War 68ページ  Chernasardo warden is a title that few can reasonably hope to earn. Among the freedom fighters, wardens have proven themselves again and again, taking on enemies that threaten the fate of Nirmathas. With their unmatched martial prowess and tactical skills, Chernasardo wardens are masters of the forest. They specialize in...
  • PRD外/クラス/スピリチュアリスト
    感情の傾倒 Emotional Focus Desperation Desperation 出典 Elemental Master s Handbook 13ページ  A phantom with this emotional focus died desperate and panicking—a victim of drowning, suffocation, or some other inexorable and traumatic death. The phantom relives its horrific demise over and over, futilely clawing at its foes to save itself and dragging them down with it. Desperation phantoms often hold powe...
  • PRD外/クラス/ブライトネス・シーカー
    3.5 Materialブライトネス・シーカー Brightness Seeker  出典 Elves of Golarion 28ページ  Revered as seers, able to channel memories and even physical features of prior incarnations as people and animals, Brightness Seekers devote themselves to the pursuit of enlightenment. During their uniquely personal journeys, they learn how to interpret signs and portents that allow them to make uncannily accurate predicat...
  • PRD外/クラス/サモナー(アンチェインド)
    + 目次 基本形態 Eidolon Base Forms異形 Aberrant 進化 Evolutions1ポイント進化 2ポイント進化 3ポイント進化 4ポイント進化 幻獣の副種別 Eidolon Subtypes異形 Aberrant Aeon Aeon Ancestor Ancestor Astral Astral Deepwater Deepwater Genie Genie Kami Kami Kyton Kyton Plant Plant Radiant Radiant Shadow Shadow Storykin Storykin Twinned Twinned Void Void アンチェインド・サモナーのアーキタイプ Unchained Summoner‎ Archetypes人造の召喚師(アーキタイプ) Co...
  • PRD外/腐敗/疫病
    疫病 Plagued  出典 Horror Realms 58ページ  Disease can become a corruption when it causes long-lasting and physical changes to the body. 発端 Catalyst  Suffering a magical disease for a prolonged period can induce the plagued corruption. 進行 Progression  You carry the symptoms and appearance of one suffering from a disease, even if you’ve been cured of the illness that triggered your corruption...
  • PRD外/クラス/バード
    名人芸 Masterpieces Ancients Flight (Oratory) Ancients Flight (Oratory)  出典 Dragonslayer s Handbook 11ページ  You compel dragons to recite an epic poem telling the story of their race’s creation.  前提条件:Perform (oratory) 13 ranks, ability to speak Draconic.  コスト:Feat or 5th-level bard spell known.  効果:This urgent verse tugs at the racial arrogance of dragonkind, compelling dragons, both true a...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター/上級武器訓練
    上級武器訓練 Advanced Weapon Training 出典 Weapon Master s Handbook  Highly skilled and experienced fighters can gain advanced weapon training, learning techniques and applications of the weapon training class feature that give them special benefits in exchange for specializing in a smaller number of fighter weapon groups. Beginning at 9th level, instead of selecting an additional fighter weapon group, ...
  • PRD外/魔法のアイテム/上級アーティファクト/1
    上級アーティファクト Major Artifacts アグリモッシュ (Agrimmosh/) 出典 Pathfinder #91 Battle of Bloodmarch Hills 56ページ オーラ 強力・変成術; 術者レベル 20レベル 装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド  Agrimmosh appears to be a simple stone blacksmith’s hammer engraved with Minderhal’s holy symbol. It functions as a +2 impactUE warhammer that automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wielder. Once per day as a full-round action,...
  • PRD外/魔法のアイテム/上級アーティファクト
    上級アーティファクト Major Artifacts アグリモッシュ (Agrimmosh/) 出典 Pathfinder #91 Battle of Bloodmarch Hills 56ページ オーラ 強力・変成術; 術者レベル 20レベル 装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド  Agrimmosh appears to be a simple stone blacksmith’s hammer engraved with Minderhal’s holy symbol. It functions as a +2 impactUE warhammer that automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wielder. Once per day as a full-round action,...
  • PRD外/クラス/キャヴァリアー/騎士団
    キャヴァリアーの騎士団 Cavalier Orders Order of the Beast (ISC) Order of the Beast(ISC) 出典 Inner Sea Combat 30ページ  A cavalier belonging to this order seeks only destruction and chaos. Cavaliers of the order of the beast revel in destruction, and go out of their way to cause as much mayhem and disorder as possible. While some celebrate war and a victory well fought, an order of the beast cavalier fights on...
  • PG/ライズ・オヴ・ザ・ルーンローズ・アニバーサリー・エディション
    ライズ・オヴ・ザ・ルーンロード・アニバーサリー・エディション・プレイヤーズ・ガイド Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player s Guide 初めに INTRODUCTION “The town of Sandpoint needs you!”  Those were the first words in the foreword of Pathfinder Adventure Path #1, which premiered the first Rise of the Runelords Adventure, “Burnt Offerings.” This call to arms was followed by two pages titled “Welcome to Golarion,” introducing the t...
  • PRD外/クラス/スワッシュバックラー/アーキタイプ
    スワッシュバックラーのアーキタイプ Swashbuckler Archetypes Courser Courser 出典 Blood of the Beast 24ページ  Many tengus still hold some bitterness at their lack of wings, and while a small number cultivate enough magic in themselves to recall the gift of flight, those tengu denizens of Golarion’s greatest cities have refined their own way to fly. Coursers move with grace and ease, racing across rooftops, dashing...
  • PRD外/クラス/スピリチュアリスト/アーキタイプ
    スピリチュアリストのアーキタイプ Spiritualist Archetypes Drowned Channeler Drowned Channeler 出典 Aquatic Adventures 52ページ  When a drowned spirit doomed to a watery grave descends toward the evil of undeath and seeks refuge in a mortal shell, the result is an unusual spiritualist with powers that resonate with the drowned spirit’s demise.  クラス技能:A drowned channeler has Swim as a class skill instead of Fly. ...
  • PRD外/クラス/スワッシュバックラー
    発露 Swashbuckler Deeds Deeds of Renown Deeds of Renown 出典:Chronicle of Legends  Swashbucklers and gunslingers perform impressive deeds through their grit and panache, but some are capable of truly spectacular acts known as renowned deeds. A swashbuckler or gunslinger (though not members of other classes) can select a renowned deed for her class upon reaching the class level listed in the deed’s ...
  • PRD外/種族/トリトン
    トリトン Tritons 出典 Blood of the Sea 14ページ  Tritons first came to Golarion centuries ago from the Plane of Water, but most of them now consider the Material Plane their home. They live in many of the oceans, seas, and even rivers of Golarion, though they dislike settling in lightless oceanic depths. They are kind and good-natured creatures who maintain distant but cordial relations with others...
  • Open Game License
    Open Game License Product Identity The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game...
  • PRD外/種族/ドワーフ
    ドワーフ Dwarves ドワーフの副種族 Desert Dwarves(Desert Dwarves) 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 4ページ  In southern peaks of the Shattered Range, near Geb and the Screaming Jungle, clans of nomadic dwarves live and travel through ancient tunnels by day, moving to the surface only at night. Though there are no known dwarven cities in this region, the Garundi dwarves claim the extensive tunnels and caverns they m...
  • PRD外/特技/呪文修正特技
    《Apocalyptic Spell》 (呪文修正) Apocalyptic Spell  出典 Planar Adventures 22ページ  Your spell becomes infused with the devastating horror personified by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, temporarily transforming reality into a treacherous ruin.  利益:You can alter a spell with an area of effect and a duration of instantaneous to become an apocalyptic spell. When you cast the spell, the area affected by th...
  • PRD外/クラス/レンジャー/アーキタイプ
    レンジャーのアーキタイプ Ranger Archetypes Abendego Diver Abendego Diver 出典 Elemental Master s Handbook 12ページ  Named for the vicious and unending storm in the southern Arcadian Ocean, Abendego divers have pushed their bodies to their limits, holding their breath to expand their lung capacity and swimming until ocean travel is second nature to them.  Weapon and Armor Proficiency:An Abendego diver is not...
  • PRD外/クラス/ソーサラー
    血脈 Bloodlines アストラル Astral Bloodline 出典 Distant Realms 62ページ  Whether you were raised on the Astral Plane, had an ancestor with a strong connection to the Astral, or simply had a freak brush with an astral conduit in your youth, you have an unusual connection to both time and space. Your senses extend through the Astral Plane to the far reaches of the multiverse, allowing you to perceive and ma...
  • PRD外/クラス/スカルド
    Skald Sagas Skald Sagas  出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox  Sagas are a form of lore-keeping and tale-telling common in Irrisen and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Specialized applications of a skald’s raging song ability, sagas function much like bardic masterpieces (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 21) but are available only to skalds. Sagas are never purely artistic constructs; they are designed to prese...
  • Paizoブログ/グランド・ロッジからの雑多な情報
    グランド・ロッジからの雑多な情報 Hodgepodge from the Grand Lodge! 2019年5月20日月曜  Well, this is it. Years back, I began my freelance career with Paizo on a little book called the Giant Hunter s Handbook. Here I am years later actually working at Paizo and getting to close the book on the Player Companion line. It s kind of a bittersweet moment as I ve come to grow the line, but I know its new, younger sibling, th...
  • PRD外/種族/エルフ
    エルフ Elves エルフの副種族 Aquatic Elves 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 10ページ Aquatic elves are the oceanic cousins of landborn elves. These elves have developed gills and webbed fingers and toes that allow them to survive and navigate the waters of Golarion, and often have blue, coral, or seaweed-black skin to blend into their environment. A significant number of aquatic elves live in the Steaming Sea ne...
  • PRD外/クラス/バード/名人芸
    名人芸 Masterpieces Ancients Flight (Oratory) Ancients Flight (Oratory)  出典 Dragonslayer s Handbook 11ページ  You compel dragons to recite an epic poem telling the story of their race’s creation.  前提条件:Perform (oratory) 13 ranks, ability to speak Draconic.  コスト:Feat or 5th-level bard spell known.  効果:This urgent verse tugs at the racial arrogance of dragonkind, compelling dragons, both true a...
  • PRD外/クラス/レンジャー
    戦闘スタイル Ranger Combat Styles 元素/Elemental 出典 Disciple s Doctrine 5ページ  レンジャーが元素を選択した場合、戦闘スタイル特技を得るたび、以下のリストから選択する:Aquadynamic Focus、《灼熱の武器》、《石の歩み》、《風の如き脚》。6レベルの時点で《内なる火》、《電光の如き脚》をリストに加える。10レベルの時点で《赤々たるオーラ》、《大旋風》をリストに加える。 信仰(アチャイケク)/Faithful(Achaekek) 出典 Inner Sea Combat 11ページ  レンジャーが信仰(アチャイケク)を選択した場合、戦闘スタイル特技を得るたび、以下のリストから選択する:《二重斬り》、《特殊武器習熟:ソートゥース・サーベル》、《二刀のフェイント》、《二刀流》。6レベルの時点《二刀のフェイント強化》...
  • PRD外/クラス/シャーマン/アーキタイプ
    シャーマンのアーキタイプ shaman Archetypes Benefactor Benefactor 出典 Healer s Handbook 26ページ  Though most shamans dole out banes and boons equally, a benefactor seeks to improve the lives of others by primarily offering powerful supportive abilities and magic to her allies and others she deems worthy.  Benefactor Ethos/Benefactor Ethos:Benefactors cannot cast shaman spells with the curse descriptor; ...
  • PG/パスファインダー協会ロールプレイング組合手引書8期
    パスファインダー協会ロールプレイング組合手引書Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide 1章:加盟プレイの概観 2章:プレイヤーの基本 3章:GMの基本 4章:ロールプレイング手引書の基本 付録1:キャラクター作成 付録2:派閥 付録3:パスファインダー協会の世界 付録4:冒険の後 付録5:プレイヤーの報酬 付録6:パスファインダー協会協力開催者 付録7:ロールプレイング組合手引書用語集 付録8:参照用紙 1章加盟プレイの概観 The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts you in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary...
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path
    Pathfinder Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords Rise of the Runelords Player s Guide Burnt Offerings The Skinsaw Murders The Hook Mountain Massacre Fortress of the Stone Giants Sins of the Saviors Spires of Xin-Shalast Curse of the Crimson Throne Curse of the Crimson Throne Player s Guide Edge of Anarchy Seven Days to the Grave Escape from Old Korvosa A History of Ashes Skeletons of Scarwall Cro...
  • Pathfinder Society Scenario
    Pathfinder Society Scenario Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play Season 0 scenario Silent Tide The Hydra s Fang Incident Murder on the Silken Caravan The Frozen Fingers of Midnight Mists of Mwangi Black Waters Among the Living Slave Pits of Absalom Eye of the Crocodile King Blood at Dralkard Manor The Third Riddle Stay of Execution The Prince of Augustana The Many Fortunes of Grandmaste...
  • PRD外/クラス/ハンター
    Ward Aspects Ward Aspects  出典 Wilderness Origins  When a character in tune with nature comes upon an area that a kami could ward but that is lacking a guardian, she has the option of making that area her ward in a symbiotic relationship. Whenever a character with the animal focus class feature is within 100 feet per class level of one of the wards listed below, she can use the associated ward as...
  • BOTD/神格/メフィストフェレス
    メフィストフェレス Mephistopheles  出典 Pathfinder #102 Breaking the Bones of Hell 70ページ /The Crimson Son 詳細 属性 秩序にして悪 神殿 アークデヴィル 関心のある範囲 Contracts, devils, secrets 領域 Evil, Knowledge, Law, Rune 副領域 デヴィル(悪)、デヴィル(秩序)、Language, Memory, Thought * 〔外典の侍祭〕の信仰特徴が必要である。 好む武器 トライデント 聖印 Trident and ring 神聖な動物 Mockingbird 神聖な色 Red, yellow 恭順 Obedience  Every day you must lie to someone for your ow...
  • @wiki全体から「heightened-awareness」で調べる

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