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  • PRD外/クラス/ピット・ファイター
    ピット・ファイター Pit Fighter  出典 Paths of Prestige 40ページ  Any good pit fighter will tell you, it doesn’t matter how well you fight—all the crowd cares about is blood, and they don’t care if it’s yours or the other guy’s. So if you want to survive your time in the pit, make sure the people get their blood, and lots of it. If you’re lucky enough, the audience will be on your side, you’ll feel the roar...
  • BOTD/神格/パズズ
    パズズ Pazuzu  出典 Inner Sea Gods 320ページ /King of the Wind Demons 詳細 属性 混沌にして悪 神殿 デーモン・ロード 関心のある範囲 The sky, temptation, winged creatures 領域 Air, Chaos, Evil, Trickery 副領域 Cloud, Deception, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Wind * 〔外典の侍祭〕の信仰特徴が必要である。 好む武器 ロングソード 聖印 Himself, right hand raised 神聖な動物 All flying animals 神聖な色 Brown, red 恭順 Obedience  String up the intestines of a freshly kille...
  • PRD外/特技/特技の種類
    起源特技 Origin Feats  出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 16ページ ダスクウォーカー起源特技 Duskwalker Origin Feats  出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 16ページ  起源特技はダスクウォーカーの元の死因に基づいて追加のパワーを与えるダスクウォーカーの種族特技である。一般にダスクウォーカーは1つの起源特技の資格のみを得ることができるが、GMの裁量により、死亡が複数の起源特技と一致するダスクウォーカーは複数の起源特技を得ることで許可される場合がある。 シャブティ起源特技 Shabti Origin Feats  出典 Pathfinder #139 The Dead Road 73ページ  この特技は、製作者の性質に基づいてシャブティの力または能力を与える。 ...
  • PRD外/クラス/スカルド/アーキタイプ
    スカルドのアーキタイプ Skald Archetypes Augur Augur 出典 Arcane Anthology 25ページ  Tales of Merivesta Olinchi are surprisingly common among the Bekyar of the Mwangi Expanse, who claim she spent some time studying their traditions and history. Most historians find it more likely that a Bekyar skald spent time in Nex, was exposed to the idea of divination as a tool of war from a copy of Cold Irony, and fabri...
  • PRD外/クラス/スカルド
    Skald Sagas Skald Sagas  出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox  Sagas are a form of lore-keeping and tale-telling common in Irrisen and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Specialized applications of a skald’s raging song ability, sagas function much like bardic masterpieces (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 21) but are available only to skalds. Sagas are never purely artistic constructs; they are designed to prese...
  • PRD外/クラス/レンジャー/レンジャーの罠
    レンジャーの罠 Ranger Traps 出典 Kobolds of Golarion  This section introduces a new kind of supernatural trap that a character who isn’t a ranger (but who has the Learn Ranger Trap feat) can create by including an additional magical component. This component— usually a scroll, potion, or oil—is expended at the time of the trap’s creation. Including it increases the time to lay the trap to 1 full minute....
  • PRD外/クラス/アルケミスト
    Alternate Capstones Alternate Capstones  出典 Chronicle of Legends 28ページ  When a character reaches the 20th level of a class, she gains a powerful class feature or ability, sometimes referred to as a capstone. The following section provides new capstones for characters to select at 20th level. A character can select one of the following capstones in place of the capstone provided by her clas...
  • PRD外/魔法のアイテム/近接武器の特殊能力
    近接武器の特殊能力 シュリンキング (Shrinking/収縮)  出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 27ページ  オーラ 微弱・変成術 術者レベル 5  市価 +1,000 GP; 重量 ―  この特殊能力は近接武器にのみ付与できる。使用者が合言葉を発すると、シュリンキング・ウェポンは通常のダガーのサイズに収縮する。この状態の間、武器は1d4ポイントのダメージを与えるが、より簡単に隠すことができる。合言葉が再び発せられると、武器は元の状態に戻る。 作成要項 必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、シュリンク・アイテム; コスト +500 GP アジール (Agile/軽妙)  出典 Pathfinder #100 A Song of Silver 21ページ、Pathfinder Society Field Guide 50ページ  オー...
  • PRD外/クラス/ドルイド
    ドルイドの領域 Druid Domains Badlandsの領域Badlands Domain 出典 Faiths and Philosophies 24ページ  領域能力:Your spirit knows both the harshness of the drying wind and the raw beauty of painted canyons.  Subsistence(変則)/Subsistence:You can survive on very little food or water while helping others survive in harsh climates. When determining how long you can withstand starvation and thirst, including checks to a...
  • PRD外/クラス/ヴィジランテ
    技 Talent 社交の技 Social Talent Always Prepared(変則)/Always Prepared 出典 Chronicle of Legends 7ページ:The vigilante can set aside resources to plan for future contingencies. The vigilante gains the Brilliant Planner feat except he can spend up to 100 gp per character level for his brilliant plan fund and only requires 1 minute to enact his brilliant plan. In addition, while in a settlement for at least ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター/アーキタイプ
    ‌ファイターの‌アー‌キ‌タ‌イ‌プ‌ ‌Fighter ‌Archetypes ‌Aerial Assaulter‌ ‌Aerial Assaulter ‌出‌典‌Blood of the Ancients 25ペー‌ジ‌  As staunch believers in the value of higher ground, the Shory developed special fighting styles that capitalize on fighting from above. While many dismiss such techniques as a niche tactic, aerial assaulters leap to great heights and create higher ground where there is none.  クラ...
  • PRD外/特技/アイテム作成特技
    《Aligned Crafting》 (アイテム作成) Aligned Crafting  出典 People of the Wastes 26ページ  Your magical creations reject those you oppose.  前提条件:Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Wondrous Item.  利益:When you craft a magic weapon, magic armor, a magic shield, or a wondrous item, you can infuse it with a bit of your convictions. Creatures that are more than one alignment step away from you are sickened whi...
  • PFS/キャンペーンにおける記述の明確化
    キャンペーンにおける記述の明確化 Campaign Clarifications  最終更新日:2019年4月4日(木)  この文書はパスファインダー協会ロールプレイング組合において合法なキャラクターの選択肢の全てを網羅した「追加出典」を補足する文書である。この文書は加盟プレイでの使用に限定した合法な選択肢の明確さを提供する文書であり、パスファインダーRPGの公式なエラッタではない。  赤字は最も新しい更新された内容を示している。   『キャンペーンにおける記述の明確化/Campaign Clarifications』のPDFをダウンロード アドヴェンチャー・パス | キャンペーン・セッティング | プレイヤー・コンパニオン | パスファインダーRPG パスファインダー・アドヴェンチャー・パス パスファインダー・アドヴェ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ノーブル・サイオン
    ノーブル・サイオン Noble Scion  出典 Paths of Prestige 38ページ  Whether from a privileged upbringing or social elevation through worthy deeds, nobility is a station to which many aspire. To some noble scions, their mantle is one of responsibility and the duties of governance. To others, the privileges of rank are rewards to flaunt and lavish upon themselves, without consideration of the commoners, peasan...
  • PRD外/クラス/スレイヤー
    スレイヤーの技 Slayer Talents 急所攻撃の技 Sneak Attack Talents Sever Alignment*(超常)/Sever Alignment 出典:Distant Realms 13ページ:When making a sneak attack against an opponent with an alignment subtype, a rogue with this talent can forgo her sneak attack damage to scramble the creature’s metaphysical nature. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitu...
  • PRD外/クラス/レンジャー
    戦闘スタイル Ranger Combat Styles 元素/Elemental 出典 Disciple s Doctrine 5ページ  レンジャーが元素を選択した場合、戦闘スタイル特技を得るたび、以下のリストから選択する:Aquadynamic Focus、《灼熱の武器》、《石の歩み》、《風の如き脚》。6レベルの時点で《内なる火》、《電光の如き脚》をリストに加える。10レベルの時点で《赤々たるオーラ》、《大旋風》をリストに加える。 信仰(アチャイケク)/Faithful(Achaekek) 出典 Inner Sea Combat 11ページ  レンジャーが信仰(アチャイケク)を選択した場合、戦闘スタイル特技を得るたび、以下のリストから選択する:《二重斬り》、《特殊武器習熟:ソートゥース・サーベル》、《二刀のフェイント》、《二刀流》。6レベルの時点《二刀のフェイント強化》...
  • PRD外/クラス/アルケミスト/発見
    発見 Discoveries Bomb Discoveries Bomb Discoveries Anarchic Bombs*/Anarchic Bombs 出典 Champions of Balance 20ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deal chaotic divine damage. Lawful creatures that take a direct hit from an anarchic bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered on their next turn. Against neutral creatures, anarchic bombs deal half damage, and such...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィザード/アーキタイプ
    ウィザードのアーキタイプ Wizard Archetypes ‌Absalom Arcanamirium Crafter ‌Absalom Arcanamirium Crafter ‌出‌典‌ Inner Sea Primer 28ペー‌ジ‌  The most famous magical college of the Inner Sea region, the Arcanamirium of Absalom teaches a broad array of specialties, but its most intensive specialty is no specialization at all. It is one of the primary training academies of universalist magic on Golarion, and the ...
  • PRD外/クラス/キャヴァリアー
    戦場の軍旗 Battle Standards  一部の騎士は、特殊な戦術で味方を鼓舞し指揮する。キャヴァリアーあるいはサムライは旗印のクラス特徴終えると、以下の戦場の軍旗のいずれかを選択できる。その利益は旗印と上級旗印のクラス特徴と置き換えるものである。戦闘の軍旗は特に明記されていない限り、旗印または上級旗印として機能する。アーキタイプを介して旗印または上級旗印を置き換えるキャヴァリアーあるいはサムライは、以下の例外を除いて戦場の軍旗を選択できない:旗手のキャヴァリアーは1レベルの時点で戦場の軍旗を選択でき、その効果は旗手の旗印として増加させる。 快速の軍旗(変則) Fleet Standard 出典 Chronicle of Legends 4ページ  この旗印はジニンのサムライの間で一般的である。この軍旗の利益を得る味方は、5フィート地上移動速度を増加させ、少なくとも10...
  • PRD外/クラス/アーケイニスト/アーケイニストの秘技
    アーケイニストの秘技 Exploits Altered Shifting(超常)/Altered Shifting 出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ Strength Normal When the arcanist is under the effect of a spell of the polymorph subschool that she cast, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to change to another valid form allowed by the spell. This reduces the spell’s caster level by 1, which can take the spell’s caster level below the min...
  • PRD外/種族/グリーン・マーシャン
    グリーン・マーシャン Green Martians 出典 Pathfinder Worldscape #2 24ページ  Among the hardiest and longest-lived of Barsoom’s savage races, the green men of Mars rove the planet’s wastelands in brutal tribes of thousands of warriors, seeking their fortunes as nomads amid the crumbling ruins of ancient cities and the vast barren wildlands between them. The green Martians have ever been at war with the re...
  • PRD外/クラス/ミーディアム/霊
    霊 Spirits 伝説の霊 Legendary Spirits 出典 Occult Realms  The spirits a medium can channel draw their power both from the tales told about them and from their own souls, which echo with the remarkable deeds they performed in life. All spirits have stories—and some arise from people whose deeds shook the world and whose testaments have endured throughout the ages. These beings are legendary spirits, an...
  • PRD外/クラス/プロフェット・オヴ・カリストレード
    プロフェット・オヴ・カリストレード Prophet of Kalistrade  出典 Paths of Prestige 42ページ  Any fool off the street can earn a few copper pieces for his labor, but the white-gloved leaders of Druma know that the only true path to success is that set forth in the Prophecies of Kalistrade, a series of directives that detail a strict regimen believers must follow in order to achieve wealth and prosperity. Such prohibi...
  • PRD外/クラス/ミーディアム
    霊 Spirits 伝説の霊 Legendary Spirits 出典 Occult Realms  The spirits a medium can channel draw their power both from the tales told about them and from their own souls, which echo with the remarkable deeds they performed in life. All spirits have stories—and some arise from people whose deeds shook the world and whose testaments have endured throughout the ages. These beings are legendary spirits, an...
  • PG/ライズ・オヴ・ザ・ルーンローズ・アニバーサリー・エディション
    ライズ・オヴ・ザ・ルーンロード・アニバーサリー・エディション・プレイヤーズ・ガイド Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player s Guide 初めに INTRODUCTION “The town of Sandpoint needs you!”  Those were the first words in the foreword of Pathfinder Adventure Path #1, which premiered the first Rise of the Runelords Adventure, “Burnt Offerings.” This call to arms was followed by two pages titled “Welcome to Golarion,” introducing the t...
  • PRD外/クラス/チェナサルド・ウォーデン
    チェナサルド・ウォーデン Chernasardo Warden  出典 Pathfinder #116 Fangs of War 68ページ  Chernasardo warden is a title that few can reasonably hope to earn. Among the freedom fighters, wardens have proven themselves again and again, taking on enemies that threaten the fate of Nirmathas. With their unmatched martial prowess and tactical skills, Chernasardo wardens are masters of the forest. They specialize in...
  • PRD外/クラス/シャーマン
    呪術 Hex ドラゴンの頑丈さ(変則)/Draconic Resilience 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 8ページ:シャーマンは魔法のように頑丈性のあるドラゴンの性質の一部を接触するクリーチャーに与え、シャーマン・レベルの等しいラウンド数の間魔法の睡眠効果に完全耐性を与える。7レベルの時点で、クリーチャーはこの持続時間の間麻痺効果に対する完全耐性も得る。一度クリーチャーがドラゴンの頑丈さの呪術から利益を得た後、24時間の間呪術の利益を得ることはできない。 威嚇演舞(変則)/Intimidating Display 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 8ページ:シャーマンはドラゴンの威厳と力の一部を呼び起こし、敵を倒すことができる。シャーマンは前提条件を満たしていない場合でも。ボーナス特技として《威圧演舞》を得、武器を用いていなくても使用で...
  • PRD外/クラス/スピリチュアリスト
    感情の傾倒 Emotional Focus Desperation Desperation 出典 Elemental Master s Handbook 13ページ  A phantom with this emotional focus died desperate and panicking—a victim of drowning, suffocation, or some other inexorable and traumatic death. The phantom relives its horrific demise over and over, futilely clawing at its foes to save itself and dragging them down with it. Desperation phantoms often hold powe...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ/アーキタイプ
    ローグのアーキタイプ Rogue Archetypes Bekyar Kidnapper Bekyar Kidnapper 出典 Inner Sea Combat 36ページ  One of the many ethnicities found in the Mwangi Expanse, the Bekyar people are slavers and demon worshipers. A Bekyar kidnapper is not only adept at hiding herself in thick jungles and quickly subduing her prey, but also at spreading rumors of hidden ruins, buried treasure, and other such valuables that mig...
  • PRD外/クラス/アルケミスト/アーキタイプ
    アルケミストのアーキタイプ Alchemist Archetypes Aerochemist Aerochemist 出典 Blood of the Ancients 25ページ  Although the specifics of the Aeromantic Infadibulum are lost to time, aerochemists are able to emulate and replicate aspects of this lost magic. Aerochemists use scraps of Shory’s magic in their concoctions to gain personal powers of flight.  Aeromantic Concoction(超常)/Aeromantic Concoction:An aero...
  • PRD外/クラス/スピリチュアリスト/アーキタイプ
    スピリチュアリストのアーキタイプ Spiritualist Archetypes Drowned Channeler Drowned Channeler 出典 Aquatic Adventures 52ページ  When a drowned spirit doomed to a watery grave descends toward the evil of undeath and seeks refuge in a mortal shell, the result is an unusual spiritualist with powers that resonate with the drowned spirit’s demise.  クラス技能:A drowned channeler has Swim as a class skill instead of Fly. ...
  • PG/パスファインダー協会ロールプレイング組合手引書8期
    パスファインダー協会ロールプレイング組合手引書Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide 1章:加盟プレイの概観 2章:プレイヤーの基本 3章:GMの基本 4章:ロールプレイング手引書の基本 付録1:キャラクター作成 付録2:派閥 付録3:パスファインダー協会の世界 付録4:冒険の後 付録5:プレイヤーの報酬 付録6:パスファインダー協会協力開催者 付録7:ロールプレイング組合手引書用語集 付録8:参照用紙 1章加盟プレイの概観 The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts you in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary...
  • PRD外/クラス/スレイヤー/スレイヤーの技
    スレイヤーの技 Slayer Talents 急所攻撃の技 Sneak Attack Talents Sever Alignment*(超常)/Sever Alignment 出典:Distant Realms 13ページ:When making a sneak attack against an opponent with an alignment subtype, a rogue with this talent can forgo her sneak attack damage to scramble the creature’s metaphysical nature. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitu...
  • PRD外/クラス/アーケイニスト
    アーケイニストの秘技 Exploits Altered Shifting(超常)/Altered Shifting 出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ Strength Normal When the arcanist is under the effect of a spell of the polymorph subschool that she cast, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to change to another valid form allowed by the spell. This reduces the spell’s caster level by 1, which can take the spell’s caster level below the min...
  • PRD外/クラス/シャーマン/霊
    シャーマンの霊 Shaman Spirits Shaman Spirit Specializations Shaman Spirit Specializations 出典 Healer s Handbook  Spirit specializations are more specific focuses for shaman spirits that allow shamans greater flexibility in customizing their characters and building character backstories. One such specialization is presented below, but it is far from the only spirit specialization that exists.  Each ...
  • PRD外/クラス/モンク/アーキタイプ
    モンクのアーキタイプ Monk Archetypes Disciple of Wholeness Disciple of Wholeness 出典 Healer's Handbook 4ページ  Disciples of wholeness train to bring themselves and others closer to physical and spiritual perfection.  Healing Ki(超常)/Healing Ki:At 4th level, a disciple of wholeness can touch a creature as a swift action and spend 1 point from her ki pool to restore a number of hit points equal to 1d4...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター
    上級鎧訓練 Advanced Armor Training 出典 Weapon Master s Handbook  Highly skilled and tenacious fighters can gain advanced armor training, learning techniques and applications of the armor training class feature that give them special benefits in exchange for reducing their ability to mitigate their armor’s armor check penalty and improve its maximum Dexterity bonus. Beginning at 7th level, instead of i...
  • PRD外/クラス/レンジャー/アーキタイプ
    レンジャーのアーキタイプ Ranger Archetypes Abendego Diver Abendego Diver 出典 Elemental Master s Handbook 12ページ  Named for the vicious and unending storm in the southern Arcadian Ocean, Abendego divers have pushed their bodies to their limits, holding their breath to expand their lung capacity and swimming until ocean travel is second nature to them.  Weapon and Armor Proficiency:An Abendego diver is not...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ
    ローグの技 Rogue Talents Sneak Attack Talents Armor Piercer*(変則)/Armor Piercer 出典:Monster Hunter s Handbook 9ページ:A rogue with this talent can cause her sneak attacks to pierce through natural armor. When she hits with an attack that deals sneak attack damage, she can forgo one or more of her sneak attack dice to reduce the target’s natural armor bonus by that amount (minimum natural armor bonus of +...
  • PRD外/特技/呪文修正特技
    《Apocalyptic Spell》 (呪文修正) Apocalyptic Spell  出典 Planar Adventures 22ページ  Your spell becomes infused with the devastating horror personified by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, temporarily transforming reality into a treacherous ruin.  利益:You can alter a spell with an area of effect and a duration of instantaneous to become an apocalyptic spell. When you cast the spell, the area affected by th...
  • PRD外/クラス/キネティシスト/元力
    元力 Wild Talents 単純爆発 Simple Blasts Gravity Blast Gravity Blast/ 出典 Occult Origins 7ページ 元素 void;種別 単純爆発(擬呪);レベル —;燃焼 0 爆発種別 physical; ダメージ 殴打  You manipulate gravity to distort and buffet your foe’s body. Negative Blast Negative Blast/ 出典 Occult Origins 7ページ 元素 void;種別 単純爆発(擬呪);レベル —;燃焼 0 爆発種別 エネルギー; ダメージ 負のエネルギー  You blast your foe with negative energy. This blast and its composite ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィザード
    秘術の発見 Arcane Discoveries Alchemical Affinity/Alchemical Affinity 出典:Magical Marketplace 18ページ:Having studied alongside alchemists, you’ve learned to use their methodologies to enhance your spellcraft. Whenever you cast a spell that appears on both the wizard and alchemist spell lists, you treat your caster level as 1 higher than normal and the save DC of such spells increases by 1. Additionally,...
  • PRD外/クラス/モンク
    モンクのアーキタイプ Monk Archetypes Disciple of Wholeness Disciple of Wholeness 出典 Healer s Handbook 4ページ  Disciples of wholeness train to bring themselves and others closer to physical and spiritual perfection.  Healing Ki(超常)/Healing Ki:At 4th level, a disciple of wholeness can touch a creature as a swift action and spend 1 point from her ki pool to restore a number of hit points equal to 1d4 + 1/...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ/ローグの技
    ローグの技 Rogue Talents Sneak Attack Talents Armor Piercer*(変則)/Armor Piercer 出典:Monster Hunter s Handbook 9ページ:A rogue with this talent can cause her sneak attacks to pierce through natural armor. When she hits with an attack that deals sneak attack damage, she can forgo one or more of her sneak attack dice to reduce the target’s natural armor bonus by that amount (minimum natural armor bonus of +...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィッチ/Unique Patrons
    Unique Witch Patrons Unique Witch Patrons 出典 Blood of the Coven  Witch patrons are enigmatic entities, sometimes fair minded and other times malevolent. Some are demigods or powerful spirits, such as those that grant shamans their spellcasting. Others are manifestations of cosmic forces, created by the certainty of mortals and the fundamental need for balance in much the same way aeons manifest....
  • PRD外/クラス/サモナー/アーキタイプ
    サモナーのアーキタイプ Summoner Archetypes Blood Summoner Blood Summoner 出典 Champions of Corruption 24ページ  A blood summoner conjures an eidolon born from violence and blood. These cruel spellcasters are common among the god-callers of now-shattered Sarkoris, where the influence of the Worldwound has warped them into beings of chilling malevolence. 技能:A blood summoner adds Heal to his list of class ...
  • PRD外/種族/ノーム
    ノーム Gnomes ノームの副種族 Bleachlings 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 16ページ While most gnomes who undergo the harrowing process of the Bleaching physically waste away from boredom, some gnomes do survive the process, emerging as humorless, monochrome versions of their former selves. Referred to as “bleachlings,” these gnomes are eerily serene and placid. In addition to the effects of the Bleaching itself...
  • PRD外/霊障
    + 目次 植物性の霊障 Botanical Haunt隔離の霊障 Isolation Haunt ハエトリグサ Flytrap Following Footsteps FlytFollowing Footstepsrap Death of Curchanus Death of Curchanus Drought's End Drought's EndMiraculous Resonances 美味しそうなご馳走 Bountiful Feat Robotic Reactivation Robotic Reactivation Network of Lasers Network of LasersTechnological Surges Shifting Seasons Shifting SeasonsEchoes of the First World Breach...
  • PRD外/クラス/クレリック/アーキタイプ
    クレリックのアーキタイプ Cleric Archetypes Angelfire Apostle Angelfire Apostle 出典 Healer's Handbook 7ページ  Angelfire apostles use the powers of good to avoid violence when possible and cleanse both maladies and evil creatures with blinding flames. Angelfire apostles typically follow Sarenrae, but a few serve empyreal lords such as Ragathiel.  Armor Proficiency:Angelfire apostles are not proficient wit...
  • Paizoブログ/グランド・ロッジからの雑多な情報
    グランド・ロッジからの雑多な情報 Hodgepodge from the Grand Lodge! 2019年5月20日月曜  Well, this is it. Years back, I began my freelance career with Paizo on a little book called the Giant Hunter s Handbook. Here I am years later actually working at Paizo and getting to close the book on the Player Companion line. It s kind of a bittersweet moment as I ve come to grow the line, but I know its new, younger sibling, th...
  • @wiki全体から「FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Greater Dirty Trick」で調べる

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