Star Wars Galaxies 日本語化 wiki内検索 / 「shared.stf」で検索した結果

検索 :
  • badge_d.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち badge_d.stf 232 anniversary_30th_event_badge ...has attended the 30th Anniversary Celebration at Nym s stronghold. badge_d.stf 111 content_corellia_39_corsec_hero ...has defeated the Chirq Council and become a hero of the Corellian Security Force. badge_d.stf 230 house_packup_badge ...has successfully demolished ten abandoned buildings. badge_d.stf 231 house_packup_badge_master ...h...
  • Patch35
    ...shared_00 shared.stf patch_35_shared_00 spacequest\assassinate\imperial_ss_3.stf patch_35_shared_00 spawning\static_npc\herald_talus_berserk_khmurra.stf patch_35_shared_00 spawning\static_npc\herald_yavin_temple_of_the_blueleaf_cluster.stf patch_35_shared_00 theme_park_imperial\lord_hethrir.stf patch_35_shared_00 theme_park\messages.stf patch_35_shared_00 unity.stf
  • beast.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち beast.stf 1 ability_activate_creature_knowledge Studying Creature... beast.stf 2 ability_learn_new_skill You Have Learned a New Skill! beast.stf 3 activity_dislike Your companion seems unhappy about doing this activity. beast.stf 4 activity_favorite You can tell that your companion approves of this activity. beast.stf 5 beast_angry Angry beast.stf 6 beast_annoyed Annoyed
  • Patch41
    (Patch41) パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 hotfix_41_client_00.tre cbt_spam.stf hotfix_41_client_00.tre collection_d.stf hotfix_41_client_00.tre collection_n.stf hotfix_41_client_00.tre collection_title.stf hotfix_41_client_00.tre ui_buff.stf 合成 hotfix_41_client_00.tre ui_effect.stf hotfix_41_client_00.tre ui_opt.stf hotfix_41_shared_00.tre beast.stf hotfix_41_shared_...
  • Patch40
    (Patch40) パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_40_client_00 cbt_spam.stf p41cでアップデート patch_40_client_00 collection_d.stf p41cでアップデート patch_40_client_00 collection_n.stf p41cでアップデート patch_40_client_00 performance.stf 翻訳済 patch_40_client_00 ui.stf 翻訳済 patch_40_client_00 ui_auc.stf 翻訳済 patch_40_client_00 ui_buff.stf p41cでアップデート patch_40_client_00 ui_craft.stf...
  • cmd_d.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち cmd_d.stf(2)へ 75 autodeclineduelrequests This command will cause you to automatically decline any duel requests that you receive. Using the command again will allow you to receive duel requests normally. 133 bh_armor_duelist_1 Duelist Stance (Mark 1) When used you enter an advanced combat posture increasing your defense versus ranged attacks. 134 bh_armor_duelist_2 Duelist Stance...
  • Patch36
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_36_client_00 ui_roadmap.stf patch_36_client_00 ui_role_tooltip.stf 翻訳済 patch_36_shared_00 conversation\azure_cabal_camdoen.stf patch_36_shared_00 conversation\azure_cabal_haadj.stf patch_36_shared_00 conversation\azure_cabal_hoolar.stf patch_36_shared_00 conversation\corellia_coronet_lt_jasper.stf patch_36_shared_00 conversation\gre...
  • Patch32
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_32_client_00 ui_expertise.stf 翻訳済み patch_32_shared_00 bestine.stf patch_32_shared_00 celebrity\imperial_bribe.stf patch_32_shared_00 celebrity\lok_gambler.stf patch_32_shared_00 conversation\biogenic_scientist_human.stf patch_32_shared_00 conversation\c_prof_ent_host.stf patch_32_shared_00 conversation\c_story1_4_imp_contact.stf pat...
  • Patch34
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_34_client_00 chat_emoticon_socials.stf patch_34_client_00 loading\corellia.stf patch_34_client_00 loading\tatooine.stf patch_34_client_00 loading\tips.stf(1) (2) patch_34_client_00 loading\yavin4.stf patch_34_client_00 player_species.stf patch_34_client_00 ui_afk.stf patch_34_client_00 ui_charsheet.stf patch_34_client_00 ui_help.stf patch_34...
  • conversation\clone_droid.stf
    タグ stfファイル化済み index name value_en value_ja 1 do_not_edit The English version of this file (clone_droid.stf) is automatically generated by the SwgConversationEditor. The English version of this file (clone_droid.stf) is automatically generated by the SwgConversationEditor. 2 s_10 I recommend relaxing with one of the many Entertainers in the galaxy. If that doesn t suit your fancy, you ll just ...
  • Patch39
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_39_client_00 clientpoi_d.stf(1) (2) (3) (4) patch_39_client_00 collection_d.stf p40cでアップデート patch_39_client_00 collection_title.stf p41cでアップデート patch_39_client_00 socials.stf(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) patch_39_client_00 ui_auc.stf p40cでアップデート patch_39_client_00 ui_cmnty.stf patch_39_client_00 ui_shipchoose.stf patch_39_client_00 ui_who.stf patch_39_...
  • clientpoi_d.stf(4)
    タグ 翻訳待ち clientpoi_d.stf(1) clientpoi_d.stf(2) clientpoi_d.stf(3) index name value_en value_ja 251 swamptown The Rori Gungan commander Captain Hassek has declared that if the Gungan people are to survive they must repel all foreigners from their worlds. His base of operations, which is located deep within the swamps of Rori, is protected by his most loyal followers. ロリグンガン司令官であるハセック隊長は、グンガン...
  • Patch30
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_30_shared_00 conversation\borvo_acklay_guard.stf patch_30_shared_00 conversation\c_story1_4_reb_contact.stf patch_30_shared_00 conversation\c_story1_5.stf patch_30_shared_00 conversation\corellia_cb_donovan.stf patch_30_shared_00 conversation\corellia_cb_yorick.stf patch_30_shared_00 conversation\corellia_coronet_abagga_creel.stf patch_30_shared_00 c...
  • Patch37
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_37_client_00 cbt_spam.stf p41cでアップデート patch_37_client_00 chatter_speech.stf patch_37_client_00 client.stf patch_37_client_00 cmd_ui_n.stf patch_37_client_00 loading\dathomir.stf patch_37_client_00 loading\dathomir_n.stf patch_37_client_00 ui_chatroom.stf patch_37_client_00 ui_collection.stf patch_37_client_00 ui_incubator.stf patch_37_client_...
  • Patch31
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_31_shared_00 conversation\bounty_probot.stf patch_31_shared_00 conversation\clone_droid.stf 翻訳済 patch_31_shared_00 conversation\corellia_38_deel_draav.stf patch_31_shared_00 conversation\corellia_38_edbr_yamagh.stf patch_31_shared_00 conversation\corellia_38_jaylon_geissler.stf patch_31_shared_00 conversation\corellia_38_lejo_daramus.stf ...
  • cmd_d.stf(2)
    タグ 翻訳待ち cmd_d.stfへ 1411 me_buff_health_1 Nutrient Injection (Mark 2) A level 46 dose of nutrients that increase the target s health for a time. 1412 me_buff_health_2 Nutrient Injection (Mark 1) A dose of nutrients that increase the target s health for a time. 1413 me_buff_health_3 Nutrient Injection (Mark 3) A dose of nutrients that increase the target s health for a time. 1414 me_bur...
  • deed.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち 214 battle_droid_deed Deed for Battle Droid バトル・ドロイド[ディード] 213 droideka_deed Deed for Droideka ドロイデカ[ディード] 219 flora_harvester_elite_deed_name Deed for Elite Flora Farm エリート植物ファーム[ディード] 216 gas_harvester_elite_deed_name Deed for Elite Natural Gas Processor エリート天然ガス・プロセッサ[ディード] 221 geothermal_generator_deed_name Deed for Geothermal Power Generator 地熱ジェネレータ[ディード] 217 liquid_harveste...
  • Patch33
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_33_client_00 gcw_rank.stf patch_33_client_00 loading\rori.stf patch_33_client_00 ui_text_color.stf 翻訳済み patch_33_shared_00 conversation\bib_fortuna.stf patch_33_shared_00 conversation\c_prof_ent_questgiver.stf patch_33_shared_00 conversation\c_sink_imp.stf patch_33_shared_00 conversation\c_sink_reb.stf patch_33_shared_00 conversati...
  • clientpoi_d.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち clientpoi_d.stf(2) clientpoi_d.stf(3) clientpoi_d.stf(4) index name value_en value_ja 1 aakuan The Aakuan clan sit within their cave plotting their next highly illegal activity. アークアン・クランは洞窟内で次の悪事を企んでいる。 2 abandoned Once the primary base of operations for the Rebel Alliance. This base was deserted for the Great Massassi Temple shortly before the Battle of Yavin. かつての反乱同盟軍の活動拠点基地。この...
  • socials.stf(5)
    タグ 翻訳待ち socials.stf socials.stf(2) socials.stf(3) socials.stf(4) socials.stf(6) index name value_en value_ja 246 preen preen hair_flip hair_flip hair_flip ~ You preen. ~ ~ %TU preens. ~ ~ You preen like a feline. ~ ~ %TU preens like a feline. ~ ~ You preen gloatingly at %TT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %TU preens gloatingly at %TT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %TU preens gloatingly at you. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ preen ha...
  • Stringデータと翻訳
    Stringデータと翻訳 Stringデータと翻訳2 Stringデータと翻訳3 各ファイルの変更点のみ記載。 タグについて   リスト待ち …対象データのリスト待ちの状態   翻訳待ち  …リストが完了しているが翻訳が終わっていない状態   stfファイル化待ち …翻訳が完了しているがstfファイルが作成されていない状態   stfファイル化済み …stfファイルが作成された状態 Patch38(Hotfix38)対応 B badge_d.stf badge_n.stf badge_title.stf base_player.stf beast.stf bestine.stf beta.stf bounty_hunter.stf buff_builder.stf building_name.stf C camp.stf cbt_spam.stf celebrity\...
  • clientpoi_d.stf(2)
    タグ 翻訳待ち clientpoi_d.stf(1) clientpoi_d.stf(3) clientpoi_d.stf(4) index name value_en value_ja 81 endor_e Onyx Beacon Home to the Blacklight Pirates, the Onyx Beacon serves as an origin for "seedy" business. Little else is known about the Onyx Beacon as it is jealously guarded by its inhabitants. オニックス・ビーコン オニックス・ビーコンは、ブラックライト・パイレーツの拠点として、彼らに「いかがわしい」取引の場を提供している。オニックス・ビーコンの居住者たちは、侵...
  • conversation/borvo_acklay_guard.stf
    1 do_not_edit The English version of this file (borvo_acklay_guard.stf) is automatically generated by the SwgConversationEditor. 2 s_10 "Nothing, just wanted the pleasure of your conversation." 3 s_11 "Yes, systems dumb. Me smart, I can t be fooled." 4 s_12 "Then go away, we done here." 5 s_2 6 s_3 "Hmph, what you want now?" 7 s_4 What you want? 8 s_...
  • clientpoi_d.stf(3)
    タグ 翻訳待ち clientpoi_d.stf(1) clientpoi_d.stf(2) clientpoi_d.stf(4) index name value_en value_ja 181 ord_station The Tansarii Point Station provides a well-secured home for the Car das, a syndicate ruled by Talon Karrde. Travelers are often welcome here. The station offers repairs at the hangars and entertainment and drinks at the cantina. タンサリ・ポイント・ステーションは、タロン・カード(Tarron Karrde)率いるシンジケートのひとつ...
  • Stringデータと翻訳3
    ...bonus.stf shared.stf shared_hyperspace.stf ship_names.stf ship_slot_compatabilities_d.stf sign_detail.stf sign_name.stf skill_buff_d.stf skill_teacher.stf skillmod_category_n.stf skl_cat_n.stf skl_d.stf skl_n.stf skl_t.stf skl_use.stf slicing\slicing.stf slicing\slicing_armor.stf smuggler\enemy.stf smuggler\items.stf smuggler\messages.stf socials.stf som\som_cube.stf som\som_item.stf som\som_qu...
  • socials.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち socials.stf(2) socials.stf(3) socials.stf(4) socials.stf(5) socials.stf(6) index name value_en value_ja 1 accuse accuse point_accusingly point_to_self blame ~ You point accusingly at everyone else. ~ ~ %TU points accusingly at everyone. ~ ~ Have you been bad? Tsk, tsk. ~ ~ %TU points accusingly at %OUself. ~ ~ You point accusingly at %TT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %TU points accusingly at %T...
  • warden.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち index name value_en value_ja 13 cannot_deputize You cannot deputize that target. そのターゲットを代理に任命することは出来ません。 9 cannot_spammer_target You cannot /spammer %TT. /spammer %TT することは出来ません。 14 cannot_undeputize You cannot undeputize that target. そのターゲットを代理から解除することは出来ません。 11 cannot_unspammer_target You cannot /unspammer %TT. /unspammer %TT することは出来ません。 15 confirm_deputize You have deputized %TT. %...
  • client.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち index name value_en value_ja 19 autopilot_obstacle Obstacle detected. 障害物を感知しました。オートパイロットを解除します。 27 con_0 \#.%TT may not be attacked. \#. %TTは攻撃できません。 8 con_1 ***\#. %TT is no match for you. ***\#. あなたが相手では%TTに勝ち目はないでしょう。 26 con_2 ***\#. %TT looks very weak to you. ***\#. %TTは相手としては不足でしょう。 9 con_3 ***\#. %TT looks weak to you. ***\#. %TTは問題なく処理できるでしょう。 10 con_4 ***\#. %TT would probabl...
  • Patch38
    パッチ名 ファイル名 ステータス STF 補足 patch_38_client_00 veteran_new.stf p40cでアップデート patch_38_shared_00 conversation\lifeday_vendor.stf patch_38_shared_00 conversation\restuss_imperial_ambush_1.stf patch_38_shared_00 conversation\restuss_imperial_ground_destroy_1.stf patch_38_shared_00 conversation\restuss_imperial_ground_destroy_2.stf patch_38_shared_00 conversation\restuss_imperial_ground_destro...
  • socials.stf(6)
    タグ  socials.stf socials.stf(2) socials.stf(3) socials.stf(4) socials.stf(5) index name value_en value_ja 312 spit spit ~ ~ ~ ~ You spit. ~ ~ %TU spits. ~ ~ You spit in your hands and prepare to get down to business. ~ ~ %TU spits in %PU hands and prepares to get down to business. ~ ~ You spit at %TT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %TU spits at %TT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %TU spits at you. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ spit ~...
  • socials.stf(3)
    タグ 翻訳待ち socials.stf socials.stf(2) socials.stf(4) socials.stf(5) socials.stf(6) index name value_en value_ja 119 flex flex flex_biceps flex_biceps flex3 ~ You flex your muscles. ~ ~ %TU flexes %PU muscles. ~ ~ You flex your bicep and secretly push it up with your other hand. ~ ~ %TU flexes %PU bicep, but you catch %OU making it look larger with %PU other hand. ~ ~ You flex for %TT. ~ ~ ~ ~...
  • base_player.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち base_player.stf 282 free_trial_level_cap You have reached the max level of %DI. Free trial accounts cannot progress any further. base_player.stf 283 no_free_trial_barker Free trial accounts cannot use the barker droid. base_player.stf 279 species_cannot_equip You cannot biolink an item that you cannot equip. base_player.stf 280 unique_failed_create You cannot possess more than one o...
  • socials.stf(4)
    タグ 翻訳待ち socials.stf socials.stf(2) socials.stf(3) socials.stf(5) socials.stf(6) index name value_en value_ja 181 knockwood knockwood door_knock door_knock door_knock ~ You knock. ~ ~ %TU knocks. ~ ~ You knock on wood. ~ ~ %TU knocks on wood. ~ ~ You knock on %TT s head. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %TU knocks on %TT s head. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %TU knocks %PU on your head. Hello? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ knockwood d...
  • ui_pm.stf
    タグ stf化不要 index name value_en value_ja 51 attachments Attachments 添付データ 15 close Close 閉じる 47 confirm_empty_mail Are you sure you want to delete all your email? 全てのメールを削除しますが、本当によろしいですか? 12 cpt_browser Your Mail あなたのメール 13 cpt_composer Compose New Message 新しいメッセージの作成 16 delete Delete 削除 48 delete_all_mail_fail Unable to empty the mailbox of %TT. %TTのメールボックスの中身を削除できませんでした。 49 delete_all_mail_su...
  • badge_n.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち badge_n.stf 241 anniversary_30th_event_badge 30th Anniversary Celebration badge_n.stf 117 content_corellia_39_corsec_hero Quest Hero of the Corellian Security Force badge_n.stf 239 house_packup_badge Junior Wrecking Crew Worker badge_n.stf 240 house_packup_badge_master Extraordinaire Wrecking Crew Manager badge_n.stf 228 pvp_imperial_captain Imperial Captain badge_n.stf 231 pvp_i...
  • collection.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち collection.stf(2)へ 1 a_burning_stone 2 a_to_e_prompt Enter the text you wanted to translate to English 3 a_to_e_title Aurebesh to English 940 access_delay You must wait %DI second(s) before collecting. 4 already_finished_collection You have already completed all the collections for this item. 5 already_have_slot You already have this item in a collection. 6 aurebesh_tile_aure...
  • collection_d.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち collection_d.stf(2) collection_d.stf(3)  1 acc_brave_soldier You have been recognized as an exceptional soldier in the war. 2 acc_fascinating_background You have been recognized as having an exceptional biography. 3 acc_good_samaritan You have been recognized as an exceptional guide to those seeking knowledge. 4 acc_interesting_personage You have been recognized as having a memor...
  • ui_opt.stf
    タグ stfファイル化済み 翻訳待ち index name value_en value_ja 86 command_button_opacity Command Button Opacity コマンド・ボタンの不透明度 97 damage_bleed Show Bleed Messages ブリード・メッセージを表示 98 damage_critical_hit Show Critical Hit Messages クリティカルヒット・メッセージを表示 99 damage_done_to_me Fly Text Size Damage Done To Me フライ・テキスト・サイズ: 自分のダメージ 100 damage_done_to_others Fly Text Size Damage Done To Others フライ・テキスト・サイズ: 他者のダメージ 101 d...
  • building_name.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち building_name.stf 177 bunker_corellia_murmurs_lab_n an unidentified bunker building_name.stf 175 bunker_corellia_tomi_jinsin A Bunker building_name.stf 174 corellia_greck_hq_n Greck Headquarters building_name.stf 184 laminasteel_augmented_group_base Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony Base building_name.stf 176 merchant_tent_tato_s01 Tent building_name.stf 179 military_base_shed_imperial...
  • ui_quest.stf
    タグ stf化不要 index name value_en value_ja 32 abort_mission Abort Mission ミッション中断 19 acceptance Quest Acceptance クエスト受領 24 choose_one_text Choose your reward 報酬を選択してください: 36 click_to_complete (Click to Complete) (クリックすれば終了します) 20 completion Quest Completion クエスト達成 34 completionpanel_1 QUEST COMPLETED クエスト完了 35 completionpanel_2 You have completed the following quest... 以下のクエストを終了しました… 4 cpt_journ...
  • ui_buff.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち 1 acid You are losing health due to being covered in acid! 酸に覆われてヘルスが減少している。 1391 acid_aspect Doum Ward 2 action_drain_immunity Intimidated \^001 Cannot be further intimidated. インティミデート \^001 重ね掛けは出来ない。 22 armorhinderance 28 aurek_besh_imbalance Unstable Variance Damage dealt is increased アンステイブル・バリアンス: ダメージが増える 29 aurekduality Flavor Text Flavor Text 1404 aurilian_crystal_large Au...
  • bestine.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち bestine.stf 8 merchant01 Tavian (a merchant) bestine.stf 9 merchant02 Xathis (a merchant) bestine.stf 10 merchant03 Delios (a merchant) bestine.stf 11 merchant04 Srica (a merchant) bestine.stf 12 merchantspecial Rellian (a merchant)
  • ui.stf
    タグ stfファイル化済み index name value_en value_ja 87 button_bar_expertise \ 010Expertise \ 010エクスパーティーズ 95 button_bar_roadmap \ 010Profession \ 010プロフェッション 98 button_bar_skills \ 010Profession \ 010プロフェッション 112 capacity_tooltip Capacity キャパシティ 121 change_friend_without_saving You appear to have changed your current friend entry. Would you like to save these changes before you change to a new frie...
  • socials.stf(2)
    タグ 翻訳待ち socials.stf socials.stf(3) socials.stf(4) socials.stf(5) socials.stf(6) index name value_en value_ja 60 censor censor cover_ears_mocking ~ shush ~ You are appalled at the usage of obscenities. ~ ~ BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP!! %TU tries to censor the obscenities. ~ ~ You scold yourself and wash your own mouth with soap. ~ ~ %TU washes %PU own mouth out with soap. ~ ~ You censor %TT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ...
  • craft_item_ingredients_d.stf
    タグ 翻訳待ち 223 electronic_control_unit_advanced Advanced Electronic control unit. 222 jets Stabilizer jets are used to increase mobility of ships. 224 micro_sensor_suite_advanced Advanced micro sensor suite. 220 ore_mining_unit_advanced An advanced version of an ore mining unit. This is used in the process of mining for ore. 218 shared_heavy_harvesting_mechanism Heavy Harvesting Mechanism 22...
  • ui_trade.stf
    タグ stf化不要 index name value_en value_ja 1 aborted The secure trade has been cancelled. セキュア・トレードがキャンセルされました。 2 acceptable Accept Trade トレード承諾 20 acceptable_other Accepted 承諾しました 3 add_item_failed_prose You cannot trade %TT. %TTはトレードできません。 4 complete Secure Trade Completed セキュア・トレード終了。 31 err_max_free_trial_money You are limited to having %DI credits while participating in the free trial of Star...
  • ui_charsheet.stf
    タグ stfファイル化待ち index name value_en value_ja 1 agility_tooltip Increase the chance when attacked you will be hit for minimum damage. 攻撃された時、ダメージを最小化する確率がUP 2 attr_acid Acid 酸 3 attr_action Action アクション 4 attr_agility Agility アジリティ 5 attr_cold Cold 冷気 6 attr_constitution Constitution コンスト 7 attr_damage Damage ダメージ 8 attr_defense Defense 防御 9 attr_electricity Electricity 電撃 10 attr_energy Energy エ...
  • skl_use.stf
    タグ stfファイル化済み index name value_en value_ja 72 milk_combat You cannot milk while in combat. 戦闘中にミルクを搾ることはできません。 73 milk_mounted You cannot milk the creature while mounted. 騎乗中にそのクリーチャーのミルクを搾ることはできません。 74 milk_none You cannot milk that. そのターゲットからミルクを搾る事はできません。 75 milk_unmilkeable You cannot milk that. そのターゲットからミルクを搾る事はできません。 76 harvest_success You harvested %DI unit(s) of %TU. %TUを%DIユニット獲得しました。...
  • collection_d.stf(2)
    タグ 翻訳待ち collection_d.stf collection_d.stf(3)  412 com_link_01 You found a Com-link. 413 com_link_02 You found a Com-link. 414 com_link_03 You found a Com-link. 415 com_link_04 You found a Com-link. 416 com_link_05 You found a Com-link. 417 com_link_06 You found a Com-link. 418 com_link_07 You found a Com-link. 419 com_link_08 You found a Com-link. 420 com_link_09 You found a Com-lin...
  • collection_d.stf(3)
    タグ 翻訳待ち collection_d.stf collection_d.stf(2)  1082 kill_rill_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Rill. 1083 kill_rill_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Tame Rill. 1084 kill_rill_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Runted Rill. 1085 kill_rill_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Vicious Rill. 1086 kill_rill_01_05 You have completed the task of killing...
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