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タグ 翻訳待ち

311 beast_steroid_bonus Increase to beasts experience gain
274 bonus_lifetime Extra Camp Lifetime
273 capacity Capacity
304 centrifuge_burst_piston_n Enzyme Centrifuge Burst Piston
303 centrifuge_housing_n Enzyme Centrifuge Housing
302 centrifuge_motor_n Enzyme Centrifuge Motor
307 centrifuge_unit_d This unit will separate Hydrolases enzyme into 2 of the 5 basic enzyme elements. To use this machine place it on the ground, add the following components and select Start Centrifuge from the menu. 1. Hydrolases enzyme 2. Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray You will randomly receive two of the following Enzyme Element A Enzyme Element B Enzyme Element C Enzyme Element D Enzyme Element E
301 centrifuge_unit_n Enzyme Centrifuge
300 centrifuge_use_filter_n Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Filter
299 centrifuge_use_mixture_n Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Mixture
298 centrifuge_use_tray_n Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray
265 clone_range Clone Range
268 clothing_station Station Quality
297 combiner_housing_n Enzyme Re-Processor Housing
309 combiner_unit_d This unit will combine five enzyme elements into a processed Hydrolases Enzyme. To use this machine add the following components and select Start Enzyme Re-Processor from the menu 1. 1 Each: A, B, C, D and E Enzyme Elements 2. Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule You will receive the following A Processed Hydrolases Enzyme
296 combiner_unit_n Enzyme Re-Processor
295 combiner_use_capsule_n Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule
294 combiner_use_coolant_n Enzyme Re-Processor Coolant
293 combiner_use_filter_n Enzyme Re-Processor Filter
266 effectiveness Effectiveness
280 engine_ypr Engine Yaw/Pitch/Roll
292 enzyme_extraction_canister_n Enzyme Extraction Canister
291 enzyme_extraction_control_n Enzyme Extraction Control
289 enzyme_extractor_housing_n Enzyme Extraction Housing
310 enzyme_extractor_unit_d This unit will extract a Hydrolases enzyme from a corpse you have loot permissions for. Target the intended corpse, and select "Use Extractor" from the menu. You will receive the following An UnProcessed Hydrolases Enzyme
290 enzyme_extractor_unit_n Enzyme Extractor
306 enzyme_mutagen Mutagen Potential
305 enzyme_purity Enzyme Purity
279 exp_ypr Experimental Yaw/Pitch/Roll
312 expsteroidbonus Experimental Beast Experience Gain
269 food_station Station Quality
267 funds Available Funds
281 incubator_station_name Incubator Unit
263 integrity Integrity
278 jets Jet Balancers
277 mod_bit_ratio Power Conversion Ratio
276 mod_bit_type Modifier Type
275 power_bit_power Power
288 processor_control_n Element Processing Control Unit
287 processor_housing_n Element Processor Housing
286 processor_plasma_array_n Element Processor Plasma Array
308 processor_unit_d This unit will enhance a single enzyme element. To use this machine add the following components and select Start Element Processor from the menu 1. Unprocessed Enzyme Element 2. Element Processing Canister You will receive the following A Processed Enzyme Element
285 processor_unit_n Element Processor
284 processor_use_filter_n Element Processing Filter
283 processor_use_fuse_n Element Processing System Fuse
282 processor_use_mold_n Element Processing Canister
270 ship_station Station Quality
271 structure_station Station Quality
264 ticket_cost Ticket Cost
272 weapon_station Station Quality


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  • 翻訳待ち

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