Star Wars Galaxies 日本語化 wiki




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223 electronic_control_unit_advanced Advanced Electronic control unit.
222 jets Stabilizer jets are used to increase mobility of ships.
224 micro_sensor_suite_advanced Advanced micro sensor suite.
220 ore_mining_unit_advanced An advanced version of an ore mining unit. This is used in the process of mining for ore.
218 shared_heavy_harvesting_mechanism Heavy Harvesting Mechanism
221 shared_heavy_harvesting_mechanism_advanced An advanced version of the heavy harvesting mechanism. This enables a structure to manufacture materials.
217 turbo_fluidic_drilling_pumping_unit This is used in the process of drilling for and pumping fluids.
219 turbo_fluidic_drilling_pumping_unit_advanced This is an advanced model of the original pump unit. This is used in the process of drilling and pumping fluids.


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