Star Wars Galaxies 日本語化 wiki




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412 com_link_01 You found a Com-link.
413 com_link_02 You found a Com-link.
414 com_link_03 You found a Com-link.
415 com_link_04 You found a Com-link.
416 com_link_05 You found a Com-link.
417 com_link_06 You found a Com-link.
418 com_link_07 You found a Com-link.
419 com_link_08 You found a Com-link.
420 com_link_09 You found a Com-link.
421 com_link_10 You found a Com-link.
422 com_link_11 You found a Com-link.
423 com_link_12 You found a Com-link.
424 com_link_13 You found a Com-link.
425 com_link_14 You found a Com-link.
426 com_link_15 You found a Com-link.
427 com_link_16 You found a Com-link.
428 com_link_17 You found a Com-link.
429 com_link_18 You found a Com-link.
430 com_link_19 You found a Com-link.
431 com_link_20 You found a Com-link.
432 combat_1hsword_master You have mastered the Fencer Profession.
433 combat_2hsword_master You have mastered the Swordsman Profession.
434 combat_bountyhunter_master You have mastered the Bounty Hunter Profession.
435 combat_brawler_master You have mastered the Brawler Profession.
436 combat_carbine_master You have mastered the Carbineer Profession.
437 combat_commando_master You have mastered the Commando Profession.
438 combat_marksman_master You have mastered the Marksman Profession.
439 combat_pistol_master You have mastered the Pistoleer Profession.
440 combat_polearm_master You have mastered the Pikeman Profession.
441 combat_rifleman_master You have mastered the Rifleman Profession.
442 combat_smuggler_master You have mastered the Smuggler Profession.
443 combat_unarmed_master You have mastered the Teras Kasi Profession.
444 commander_ld1_01 You found the Commander LD-1 Rifle.
445 content_corellia_39_corsec_hero You have defeated the Chirq Council and become a hero of the Corellian Security Force.
446 corellian_destroyer_01 You found the Corellian Destroyer
447 corestrike_rancor_sweeper_01 You found the Corestrike Rancor.
448 corsec_e11_01 You found the CorSec E-11 Rifle.
449 corsec_sword_01 You found the CorSec Sword.
450 count_10 You have acquired 10 badges.
451 count_100 You have acquired 100 badges.
452 count_125 You have acquired 125 badges.
453 count_150 You have acquired 150 badges.
454 count_175 You have acquired 175 badges.
455 count_200 You have acquired 200 badges.
456 count_225 You have acquired 225 badges.
457 count_25 You have acquired 25 badges.
458 count_250 You have acquired 250 badges.
459 count_275 You have acquired 275 badges.
460 count_300 You have acquired 300 badges.
461 count_350 You have acquired 350 badges.
462 count_5 You have acquired 5 badges.
463 count_50 You have acquired 50 badges.
464 count_75 You have acquired 75 badges.
465 covert_retaliation_01 You found the Covert Retaliation.
466 coynite_01 You found the Coynite Disruptor Pistol.
467 coynite_disruptor_01 You found the Coynite Disruptor Rifle.
468 coynite_sfor_republic_sweeper_01 You found the Coynite SFOR Republic Carbine.
469 creature_kill Slayer Collections
470 creature_loot Creature Item Collections
471 cresh You found an Aurebesh Tile.
472 crusader_m_x3_01 You found the Crusader M-XIII Carbine.
473 crusader_m_xx_01 You found the Crusader M-XX Heavy Rifle
474 cy_m_01 You found the CY-M Carbine.
475 cy_m_ink_01 You found the CY-M Ink Rifle.
476 cy_m_sword_01 You found the CY-M Sword.
477 d18_liquidator_01 You found the D-18 Liquidator.
478 dalyrake_complete You have completed the Dalyrake Destroyer Collection
479 dancing_droid_01 Droid part 1/10.
480 dancing_droid_02 Droid part 2/10.
481 dancing_droid_03 Droid part 3/10.
482 dancing_droid_04 Droid part 4/10.
483 dancing_droid_05 Droid part 5/10.
484 dancing_droid_06 Droid part 6/10.
485 dancing_droid_07 Droid part 7/10.
486 dancing_droid_08 Droid part 8/10.
487 dancing_droid_09 Droid part 9/10.
488 dancing_droid_10 Droid part 10/10.
489 dancing_droid_reward You crafted a Dancing Droid Module.
490 darklighter_e11_01 You found the Darklighter's E-12.
491 darklighter_sg_82_01 You found the Darklighter's SG-82.
492 darksting_assassin_01 You found the Darksting Assassin.
493 darstaiis_sickle_01 You found the Darstai'is Sickle.
494 datapad_01 You found a Datapad.
495 datapad_02 You found a Datapad.
496 datapad_03 You found a Datapad.
497 datapad_04 You found a Datapad.
498 datapad_05 You found a Datapad.
499 datapad_06 You found a Datapad.
500 datapad_07 You found a Datapad.
501 datapad_08 You found a Datapad.
502 datapad_09 You found a Datapad.
503 datapad_10 You found a Datapad.
504 datapad_11 You found a Datapad.
505 datapad_12 You found a Datapad.
506 datapad_13 You found a Datapad.
507 datapad_14 You found a Datapad.
508 datapad_15 You found a Datapad.
509 datapad_16 You found a Datapad.
510 datapad_17 You found a Datapad.
511 datapad_18 You found a Datapad.
512 datapad_19 You found a Datapad.
513 datapad_20 You found a Datapad.
514 dawnsorrow_01 You found the Dawnsorrow Rifle.
515 dc_15_01 You found the DC15 Rifle.
516 deathrain_01 You found the Deathrain D-51.
517 decor_book Decoration Collections
518 default
519 dejarik_battery One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
520 dejarik_board One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
521 dejarik_ghhhk An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
522 dejarik_grimtaash An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
523 dejarik_holoprojector One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
524 dejarik_houjix An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
525 dejarik_keypad_01 One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
526 dejarik_keypad_02 One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
527 dejarik_kintan An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
528 dejarik_klorslug An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
529 dejarik_mantellian An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
530 dejarik_monnok An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
531 dejarik_ngok An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
532 dejarik_table_base One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
533 dejarik_table_stand One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
534 destroy_deathstar You have destroyed the Death Star.
535 devastator_acid_launcher_01 You found the Devastator Acid Launcher.
536 devastator_lava_cannon_01 You found the Devastator Lava Cannon
537 disruptor_01 You found the Disruptor Rifle.
538 dl44_dosh_special_01 You found the DL44 Dosh Special Pistol.
539 dooku_datadisk_01 Padawan - The data disk tells the story of Dooku's youth and training in the Jedi Order. Born from nobility, the young Dooku was trained as a jedi from an early age. During his years as a padawan he trained under some of the greatest jedi of his time, inc
540 dooku_datadisk_02 Jedi Master - The data disk describes Dooku's promotion to Jedi Knight and the training of padawans of his own, including Qui-Gon Jinn. Dooku was granted the rank of Jedi Master with Qui-Gon Jinn's successful passage from Padawan to Jedi Knight.
541 dooku_datadisk_03 Leaving the Order - The data disk tells of Dooku and his loss of faith in the Republic and the Jedi Order. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo and the death of his former student, Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku formally left the Jedi Order.
542 dooku_datadisk_04 Embracing the Dark Side - The data disk contains the story of how Dooku assumed his inherited title of Count and rose to be one of the leaders of the Separatists' Movement prior to the outbreak of the Clone War.
543 dooku_datadisk_05 Dooku's Death - On the final data disk, the last years of Count Dooku's life are recorded. Here, many of his actions during the Clone War are told. The story ends with his death, at the hands of Anakin Skywalker, during the Battle of Coruscant.
544 doom_bringer_01 You found the Doom Bringer Obsidian Sword.
545 doom_bringer_dp_23_01 You found the Doom Bringer DP-24.
546 dorn You found an Aurebesh Tile.
547 dragoneye_01 You found the C-10 Dragoneye Reaper.
548 dwartii_statue_braata You found a Statue of Braata
549 dwartii_statue_faya You found a Statue of Faya
550 dwartii_statue_sistros You found a Statue of Sistros
551 dwartii_statue_yanjon You found a Statue of Yanjon
552 engineer_sword_01 You found the Engineer Sword.
553 enth You found an Aurebesh Tile.
554 esk You found an Aurebesh Tile.
555 event_coa2_imperial You have assisted in securing Dr. Vacca's cooperation.
556 event_coa2_rebel You have successfully contacted Dr. Vacca.
557 event_coa3_imperial You have successfully helped locate Dead Eye resources for the Empire.
558 event_coa3_rebel You have successfully helped locate Dead Eye resources for the Rebellion.
559 event_project_dead_eye_1 You have investigated Project Dead Eye.
560 eventide_smasher_01 You found the Eventide Smasher.
561 ewok_crossbow_01 You found the Ewok Crossbow.
562 exemplar_mark_01 You found the Exemplar's Mark.
563 exp_cor_agrilat_swamp You have explored the depths of the Agrilat Crystal Swamp.
564 exp_dan_jedi_temple You have uncovered the mysteries of the Ruined Jedi Temple on Dantooine.
565 exp_dan_rebel_base You have visited the abandoned Rebel Base on Dantooine.
566 exp_dat_escape_pod You have found a mysterious escape pod crash-landed on Dathomir.
567 exp_dat_misty_falls_1 You have climbed to the peak of the Lesser Misty Falls region.
568 exp_dat_misty_falls_2 You have reached the Greater Misty Falls peak.
569 exp_dat_sarlacc You have discovered the lesser Sarlacc on Dathomir.
570 exp_dat_tarpit You have explored the horrid tar pits of Dathomir.
571 exp_kash_kachirho_found You have discovered the natural beauty of the Wookiee homeworld - Kashyyyk.
572 exp_lok_volcano You have climbed to the top of Adi's Rest.
573 exp_must_mustafar_found You have discovered the volcanic world of Mustafar.
574 exp_nab_gungan_sacred_place You have discovered the hidden Gungan Sacred Place.
575 exp_tat_bens_hut You have visited Ben Kenobi's old home.
576 exp_tat_escape_pod You have visited the escape pod used by C-3P0 and R2-D2.
577 exp_tat_generic_one ...has visited someplace popular on Tatooine.
578 exp_tat_krayt_graveyard You have found the hidden Krayt Dragon Graveyard.
579 exp_tat_krayt_skeleton You have visited the famed Krayt Dragon skeleton.
580 exp_tat_lars_homestead You have found the Lars Homestead on Tatooine.
581 exp_tat_sarlacc_pit You have visited the home of the mighty Sarlacc.
582 exp_tat_tusken_pool You have visited the pool underneath Fort Tusken.
583 exp_yav_temple_blueleaf You have discovered the ancient Temple of the Blue Leaf cluster.
584 exp_yav_temple_exar_kun You have visited the Temple of Exar K'un.
585 exp_yav_temple_woolamander You have encountered the mysterious Palace of the Woolamander on Yavin 4.
586 fallann_hyper_rifle_01 You found the Fallann Hyper-Rifle.
587 ferocious_tier_2_complete You have completed the Ferocious Creature Slayer Collection
588 firestar_10_k_01 You found the Firestar 10-K.
589 fish_dathomir_burra_01 You caught a Dathomir Burra.
590 fish_endor_buzzfish_01 You caught an Endor Buzzfish.
591 fish_endor_trout_01 You caught an Endor Trout.
592 fish_naboo_fatfish_01 You caught a Naboo Fatfish.
593 fish_naboo_gooberfish_01 You caught a Naboo Gooberfish.
594 fish_naboo_gumfish_01 You caught a Naboo Gumfish.
595 fish_naboo_mee_01 You caught a Naboo Mee Fish.
596 fish_naboo_see_01 You caught a Naboo See Fish.
597 fish_rare_blackfish_01 You caught a Rare Blackfish.
598 fish_rare_blowfish_01 You caught a Rare Blowfish.
599 fish_rare_bluefish_01 You caught a Rare Bluefish.
600 fish_rare_faa_01 You caught a Rare Faa.
601 fish_rare_laa_01 You caught a Rare Laa.
602 fish_rare_ray_01 You caught a Rare Ray.
603 fish_rare_striped_01 You caught a Rare Striped Fish.
604 fish_tank_reward You crafted a fish tank
605 fish_yavin_crawlfish_01 You caught a Yavin Crawlfish.
606 flame_beetle You found a Flame Beetle.
607 flit_bone_01 You found a Flit Bone.
608 flower_01 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
609 flower_02 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
610 flower_03 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
611 flower_04 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
612 flower_05 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
613 flower_06 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
614 flower_07 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
615 flower_08 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
616 flower_09 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
617 flower_10 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
618 flower_11 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
619 flower_12 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
620 flower_13 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
621 flower_14 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
622 flower_15 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
623 flower_16 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
624 flower_17 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
625 flower_18 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
626 flower_19 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
627 flower_20 You found Potted Purple Flowers.
628 flying_tier_2_complete You have completed the Bird Butcher Collection
629 forn You found an Aurebesh Tile.
630 forward_commander_01 You found the Forward Commander Carbine.
631 forward_commander_knuckler_01 You found the Forward Commander Knuckler.
632 gamorrean_axe_01 You found the Gamorrean Battleaxe.
633 gaping_spider_complete You have completed the Gaping Spider Slayer Collection
634 geonosian_sonic_blaster_01 You found the Geonosian Sonic Blaster.
635 glowing_rock_01 You found a Glowing Rock.
636 glowing_rock_02 You found a Glowing Rock.
637 glowing_rock_03 You found a Glowing Rock.
638 glowing_rock_04 You found a Glowing Rock.
639 glowing_rock_05 You found a Glowing Rock.
640 glowing_rock_06 You found a Glowing Rock.
641 glowing_rock_07 You found a Glowing Rock.
642 glowing_rock_08 You found a Glowing Rock.
643 glowing_rock_09 You found a Glowing Rock.
644 glowing_rock_10 You found a Glowing Rock.
645 graul_complete You have completed the Graul Gasher Collection
646 grek You found an Aurebesh Tile.
647 grievance_striker_01 You found the Grievance Striker.
648 grooved_dl44_01 You found the Grooved DL 45.
649 grooved_sword_01 You found the Grooved Two-handed Sword.
650 ground_beetle You found a Ground Beetle.
651 gulginaw_complete You have completed the Gulginaw Executioner Collection
652 gulginaw_feather_01 You found a Gulginaw Feather.
653 gurk_complete You have completed the Gurk Grappler Collection
654 hair_trigger_01 You found the Hair-Trigger Carbine.
655 hammer_miner_01 You found the Hammer of the Miner.
656 hanadak_complete You have completed the Hanadak Slasher Collection
657 hanging_light_01 Bright Idea 1/10.
658 hanging_light_02 Bright Idea 2/10.
659 hanging_light_03 Bright Idea 3/10.
660 hanging_light_04 Bright Idea 4/10.
661 hanging_light_05 Bright Idea 5/10.
662 hanging_light_06 Bright Idea 6/10.
663 hanging_light_07 Bright Idea 7/10.
664 hanging_light_08 Bright Idea 8/10.
665 hanging_light_09 Bright Idea 9/10.
666 hanging_light_10 Bright Idea 10/10.
667 hanging_light_reward You crafted a Hanging Light.
668 herf You found an Aurebesh Tile.
669 heroic_axkva_min_01 You have completely decimated Axkva Min
670 heroic_ig88_01 You have completely decimated IG-88
671 heroic_kills Page of Heroic kill collections
672 heroic_tusken_king_01 You have completely decimated the Tusken King
673 hk_47_01 You found the HK-47 Carbine.
674 hk_47_disruptor_01 You found the HK-47 Disruptor.
675 hk_47_knuckler_01 You found the HK-47 Knuckler.
676 hk_47_sword_01 You found the HK-47 Sword.
677 hk_lance_01 You found the HK-47 Lance.
678 house_packup_badge You have successfully demolished ten abandoned buildings.
679 house_packup_badge_master You have successfully demolished the extraordinary number of 50 abandoned buildings.
680 housing_improvement_01_01 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 1/10
681 housing_improvement_01_02 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 2/10
682 housing_improvement_01_03 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 3/10
683 housing_improvement_01_04 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 4/10
684 housing_improvement_01_05 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 5/10
685 housing_improvement_01_06 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 6/10
686 housing_improvement_01_07 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 7/10
687 housing_improvement_01_08 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 8/10
688 housing_improvement_01_09 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 9/10
689 housing_improvement_01_10 Techniques in Maximizing Space: Page 10/10
690 housing_improvement_02_01 Shelving Techniques: Page 1/10.
691 housing_improvement_02_02 Shelving Techniques: Page 2/10.
692 housing_improvement_02_03 Shelving Techniques: Page 3/10.
693 housing_improvement_02_04 Shelving Techniques: Page 4/10.
694 housing_improvement_02_05 Shelving Techniques: Page 5/10.
695 housing_improvement_02_06 Shelving Techniques: Page 6/10.
696 housing_improvement_02_07 Shelving Techniques: Page 7/10.
697 housing_improvement_02_08 Shelving Techniques: Page 8/10.
698 housing_improvement_02_09 Shelving Techniques: Page 9/10.
699 housing_improvement_02_10 Shelving Techniques: Page 10/10.
700 housing_improvement_03_01 Craftsman Tools: Set 1/10.
701 housing_improvement_03_02 Craftsman Tools: Set 2/10.
702 housing_improvement_03_03 Craftsman Tools: Set 3/10.
703 housing_improvement_03_04 Craftsman Tools: Set 4/10.
704 housing_improvement_03_05 Craftsman Tools: Set 5/10.
705 housing_improvement_03_06 Craftsman Tools: Set 6/10.
706 housing_improvement_03_07 Craftsman Tools: Set 7/10.
707 housing_improvement_03_08 Craftsman Tools: Set 8/10.
708 housing_improvement_03_09 Craftsman Tools: Set 9/10.
709 housing_improvement_03_10 Craftsman Tools: Set 10/10.
710 housing_improvement_04_01 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 1/10.
711 housing_improvement_04_02 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 2/10.
712 housing_improvement_04_03 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 3/10.
713 housing_improvement_04_04 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 4/10.
714 housing_improvement_04_05 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 5/10.
715 housing_improvement_04_06 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 6/10.
716 housing_improvement_04_07 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 7/10.
717 housing_improvement_04_08 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 8/10.
718 housing_improvement_04_09 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 9/10.
719 housing_improvement_04_10 Cabinetry Techniques: Page 10/10.
720 housing_improvement_05_01 Storage Techniques: Page 1/10.
721 housing_improvement_05_02 Storage Techniques: Page 2/10.
722 housing_improvement_05_03 Storage Techniques: Page 3/10.
723 housing_improvement_05_04 Storage Techniques: Page 4/10.
724 housing_improvement_05_05 Storage Techniques: Page 5/10.
725 housing_improvement_05_06 Storage Techniques: Page 6/10.
726 housing_improvement_05_07 Storage Techniques: Page 7/10.
727 housing_improvement_05_08 Storage Techniques: Page 8/10.
728 housing_improvement_05_09 Storage Techniques: Page 9/10.
729 housing_improvement_05_10 Storage Techniques: Page 10/10.
730 housing_improvement_mark_01_01 You have completed the Techniques in Maximizing Space Collection.
731 housing_improvement_mark_01_02 You have completed the Shelving Techniques Collection.
732 housing_improvement_mark_01_03 You have completed the Craftsman Tools Collection.
733 housing_improvement_mark_01_04 You have completed theCabinetry Techniques Collection.
734 housing_improvement_mark_01_05 You have completed the Storage Techniques Collection.
735 imperial_armor Lost Imperial Armor Collection
736 insect_tier_2_complete You have completed the Insect Exterminator Collection
737 inv_holocron_collection_01 Jedi Artifact Collection - Waist Pack
738 inv_holocron_collection_01_finished \#FF0000Jedi Artifact Collection - Waist Pack
739 inv_holocron_collection_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Jedi Artifact Collection - Waist Pack
740 inv_holocron_collection_02 Jedi Artifact Collection - Meditative Discipline
741 inv_holocron_collection_02_finished \#FF0000Jedi Artifact Collection - Meditative Discipline
742 inv_holocron_collection_02_unfinished \#7CFC00Jedi Artifact Collection - Meditative Discipline
743 inv_publish_datapad_component_01 Datapad Component Collection
744 inv_publish_datapad_component_01_finished \#FF0000Datapad Component Collection
745 inv_publish_datapad_component_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Datapad Component Collection
746 ion_relic_01 You found the Ion Relic Pistol.
747 ion_stunner_01 You found the Ion Stunner Pistol.
748 isk You found an Aurebesh Tile.
749 itv_01_01 starport 1
750 itv_01_02 starport 2
751 itv_01_03 starport 3
752 itv_01_04 starport 4
753 itv_01_05 starport 1
754 itv_01_06 starport 2
755 itv_01_07 starport 3
756 itv_01_08 starport 4
757 itv_01_09 starport 1
758 itv_01_10 starport 2
759 itv_01_11 starport 3
760 itv_01_12 starport 4
761 jawa_ion_01 You found the Jawa Ion Pistol.
762 jedi_holocron_01_01 You found a Jedi Holocron.
763 jedi_holocron_01_02 You found a Jedi Holocron.
764 jedi_holocron_01_03 You found a Jedi Holocron.
765 jedi_holocron_01_04 You found a Jedi Holocron.
766 jedi_holocron_01_05 You found a Jedi Holocron.
767 jedi_holocron_02_01 You found a Jedi Holocron.
768 jedi_holocron_02_02 You found a Jedi Holocron.
769 jedi_holocron_02_03 You found a Jedi Holocron.
770 jedi_holocron_02_04 You found a Jedi Holocron.
771 jedi_holocron_02_05 You found a Jedi Holocron.
772 jenth You found an Aurebesh Tile.
773 jundank_bone_01 You found a Jandak Bone.
774 junk_beetle You found a Junk Beetle.
775 kai_tok_complete You have completed the Kai Tok Killer Collection
776 kai_tok_feather_01 You found a Kai Tok Feather.
777 kalranoos_01 You found the Kalranoos Carbine.
778 kaminoan_staff_01 You found the Kaminoan Great Staff.
779 kamurith_complete You have completed the Kamurith Killer Collection
780 kashyyyk_stalker_01 You found the Kashyyyk Stalker Pistol.
781 katana_runaway_01 You found the Katana of the Runaway.
782 kerenth You found an Aurebesh Tile.
783 kill_afarathu_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Afarathu Cult Ruffians.
784 kill_afarathu_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Afarathu Cult Brutes.
785 kill_afarathu_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Afarathu Cult Hellions.
786 kill_afarathu_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Afarathu Cult Bodyguards.
787 kill_afarathu_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Afarathu Cult Leaders.
788 kill_afarathus_01 Title: Afarathu Bully
789 kill_afarathus_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Afarathu Bully
790 kill_afarathus_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Afarathu Bully
791 kill_angler_01 You killed an Angler.
792 kill_angler_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Angler Hatchlings.
793 kill_angler_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Anglers.
794 kill_angler_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Mad Anglers.
795 kill_angler_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Lurking Anglers.
796 kill_angler_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Angler Recluse.
797 kill_angler_hatchling_01 You killed a Angler Hatchling.
798 kill_angler_recluse_01 You killed an Angler Recluse.
799 kill_anglers_01 Title: Angler Exterminator
800 kill_anglers_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Angler Exterminator
801 kill_anglers_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Angler Exterminator
802 kill_angry_baz_nitch_avenger_01 You killed a Angry Baz-Nitch Avenger.
803 kill_baz_nitch_01 You killed a Baz-Nitch.
804 kill_baz_nitch_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Baz-Nitch.
805 kill_baz_nitch_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Angry Baz-Nitch Avengers.
806 kill_baz_nitch_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Giant Baz-Nitch.
807 kill_baz_nitch_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Mutant Baz-Nitch.
808 kill_baz_nitch_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Kinad Baz-Nitch.
809 kill_baz_nitches_01 Title: Butcher of the Baz-Nitch
810 kill_baz_nitches_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Butcher of the Baz-Nitch
811 kill_baz_nitches_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Butcher of the Baz-Nitch
812 kill_bile_drenched_quenker_01 You killed a Bile-Drenched Quenker.
813 kill_blood_drenched_merek_king You killed a Blood-Drenched Merek King.
814 kill_bloodseeker_mite_01 You killed a Bloodseeker Mite.
815 kill_bloodseeker_mite_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Bloodseeker Mites.
816 kill_bloodseeker_mite_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Bloodseeker Mite Drones.
817 kill_bloodseeker_mite_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Bloodseeker Mite Guardians.
818 kill_bloodseeker_mite_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Bloodseeker Mite Hunters.
819 kill_bloodseeker_mite_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Bloodseeker Mite Queens.
820 kill_bloodseeker_mite_drone_01 You killed a Bloodseeker Mite Drone
821 kill_bloodseeker_mite_guardian_01 You killed a Bloodseeker Mite Guardian.
822 kill_bloodseeker_mite_hunter_01 You killed a Bloodseeker Mite Hunter.
823 kill_bloodseeker_mite_queen_01 You killed a Bloodseeker Mite Queen.
824 kill_bloodseeker_mites_01 Title: Bloodseeker Mite Butcher
825 kill_bloodseeker_mites_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Bloodseeker Mite Butcher
826 kill_bloodseeker_mites_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Bloodseeker Mite Butcher
827 kill_cold_blooded_tier_2 Killing in cold blood isn't as appaling as it seems.
828 kill_cold_blooded_tier_2_finished \#FF0000Killing in cold blood isn't as appaling as it seems.
829 kill_cold_blooded_tier_2_unfinished \#7CFC00Killing in cold blood isn't as appaling as it seems.
830 kill_dalyrake_01 You killed a Dalyrake.
831 kill_dalyrake_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Dalyrakes.
832 kill_dalyrake_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Dalyrake Harvesters.
833 kill_dalyrake_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Dalyrake Matriarchs.
834 kill_dalyrake_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Giant Dalyrakes.
835 kill_dalyrake_harvester_01 You killed a Dalyrake Harvester.
836 kill_dalyrake_matriarch_01 You killed a Dalyrake Matriarch.
837 kill_dalyrakes_01 Title: Dalyrake Destroyer
838 kill_dalyrakes_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Dalyrake Destroyer
839 kill_dalyrakes_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Dalyrake Destroyer
840 kill_dashing_vir_vur You killed a Dashing Vir Vur.
841 kill_dashing_vir_vur_01 You killed a Dashing Vir Vur.
842 kill_delirious_merek_avenger You killed a Delirious Merek Avenger.
843 kill_deranged_squall_01 You killed a Deranged Squall.
844 kill_devil_gulginaw_01 You killed a Devil Gulginaw.
845 kill_diseased_vrelt_01 You killed a Noxious Vrelt Scavenger.
846 kill_elite_mutant_womprat_01 You killed an Elite Mutant Womprat.
847 kill_enraged_tabage_mother_01 You killed an Enraged Tabage Mother.
848 kill_ferocious_tier_2 Ferocity is relative. These beasts are no match for your unbridled wrath.
849 kill_ferocious_tier_2_finished \#FF0000Ferocity is relative. These beasts are no match for your unbridled wrath.
850 kill_ferocious_tier_2_unfinished \#7CFC00Ferocity is relative. These beasts are no match for your unbridled wrath.
851 kill_flying_tier_2 Since you don't have wings, you decide to collect them from other unfortunate beings.
852 kill_flying_tier_2_finished \#FF0000Since you don't have wings, you decide to collect them from other unfortunate beings.
853 kill_flying_tier_2_unfinished \#7CFC00Since you don't have wings, you decide to collect them from other unfortunate beings.
854 kill_fragile_kreetle_01 You killed a Fragile Kreetle.
855 kill_frail_squall_meek_avenger_01 You killed a Frail Meek Squall Avenger.
856 kill_gaping_spider_01 You killed a Gaping Spider.
857 kill_gaping_spider_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Gaping Spiders.
858 kill_gaping_spider_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Gaping Spider Hunters.
859 kill_gaping_spider_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Gaping Spider Recluses.
860 kill_gaping_spider_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Giant Gaping Spider Recluses.
861 kill_gaping_spider_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Gaping Spider Recluse Queens.
862 kill_gaping_spider_hunter_01 You killed a Gaping Spider Hunter.
863 kill_gaping_spider_recluse_01 You killed a Gaping Spider Recluse.
864 kill_gaping_spider_recluse_giant_01 You killed a Giant Gaping Spider Recluse.
865 kill_gaping_spider_recluse_queen_01 You killed a Gaping Spider Recluse Queen.
866 kill_gaping_spiders_01 Title: Gaping Spider Slayer
867 kill_gaping_spiders_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Gaping Spider Slayer
868 kill_gaping_spiders_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Gaping Spider Slayer
869 kill_giant_baz_nitch_01 You killed a Giant Baz-Nitch.
870 kill_giant_dalyrake_01 You killed a Giant Dalyrake.
871 kill_giant_peko_peko_01 You killed a Giant Peko Peko.
872 kill_giant_stintaril_01 You killed a Giant Stintaril.
873 kill_giant_tanc_mite_01 You killed a Giant Tanc Mite.
874 kill_graul_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Graul.
875 kill_graul_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Frenzied Graul.
876 kill_graul_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Graul Marauders.
877 kill_graul_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Graul Maulers.
878 kill_graul_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Ancient Graul.
879 kill_grauls_01 Title: Graul Gasher
880 kill_grauls_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Graul Gasher
881 kill_grauls_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Graul Gasher
882 kill_greater_desert_womprat_01 You killed a Greater Desert Womprat.
883 kill_greater_gulginaw_01 You killed a Greater Gulginaw.
884 kill_gulginaw_01 You killed a Gulginaw.
885 kill_gulginaw_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Gulginaw.
886 kill_gulginaw_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Greater Gulginaw.
887 kill_gulginaw_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Devil Gulginaw.
888 kill_gulginaws_01 Title: Gulginaw Executioner
889 kill_gulginaws_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Gulginaw Executioner
890 kill_gulginaws_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Gulginaw Executioner
891 kill_gurk_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Gurk.
892 kill_gurk_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Gurk Whelps.
893 kill_gurk_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Gurk Trackers.
894 kill_gurk_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Gurk Kings.
895 kill_gurk_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Crazed Gurk Destroyers.
896 kill_gurk_activation nothing - this string should not show - please bug if you see this string
897 kill_gurks_01 Title: Gurk Grappler
898 kill_gurks_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Gurk Grappler
899 kill_gurks_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Gurk Grappler
900 kill_hanadak_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Mature Hanadak.
901 kill_hanadak_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Ancient Hanadak.
902 kill_hanadak_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Elder Hanadak Matriarchs.
903 kill_hanadak_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Young Hanadak Rock Crushers.
904 kill_hanadak_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Mature Hanadak Rock Smashers.
905 kill_hanadaks_01 Title: Hanadak Slasher
906 kill_hanadaks_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Hanadak Slasher
907 kill_hanadaks_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Hanadak Slasher
908 kill_insect_tier_2 The Qorkin Man is no match for your unconventional tactics of ridding the Galaxy of diseased insects.
909 kill_insect_tier_2_finished \#FF0000The Qorkin Man is no match for your unconventional tactics of ridding the Galaxy of diseased insects.
910 kill_insect_tier_2_unfinished \#7CFC00The Qorkin Man is no match for your unconventional tactics of ridding the Galaxy of diseased insects.
911 kill_kai_tok_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Screaming Kai Tok.
912 kill_kai_tok_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Kai Tok Prowlers.
913 kill_kai_tok_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Kai Tok Scavengers.
914 kill_kai_tok_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Kai Tok Bloodreavers.
915 kill_kai_tok_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Kai Tok Slayers.
916 kill_kai_tok_bloodreaver_01 You killed a Kai Tok Bloodreaver.
917 kill_kai_tok_prowler_01 You killed a Kai Tok Prowler.
918 kill_kai_tok_scavenger_01 You killed a Kai Tok Avenger.
919 kill_kai_tok_slayer_01 You killed a Kai Tok Slayer.
920 kill_kai_toks_01 Title: Kai Tok Killer
921 kill_kai_toks_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Kai Tok Killer
922 kill_kai_toks_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Kai Tok Killer
923 kill_kamurith_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Kamurith Defilers.
924 kill_kamurith_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Nocuous Kamurith.
925 kill_kamurith_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Kamurith Snappers.
926 kill_kamurith_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Foul Kamurith Desecrators.
927 kill_kamuriths_01 Title: Kamurith Killer
928 kill_kamuriths_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Kamurith Killer
929 kill_kamuriths_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Kamurith Killer
930 kill_kinad_baz_nitch_01 You killed a Kinad Baz-Nitch.
931 kill_kliknik_01 You killed a Kliknik.
932 kill_kliknik_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Kliknik.
933 kill_kliknik_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Kliknik Warriors.
934 kill_kliknik_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Kliknik Shredder Guardians.
935 kill_kliknik_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Kliknik Queens.
936 kill_kliknik_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Scorpion Kliknik.
937 kill_kliknik_queen_01 You killed a Kliknik Queen.
938 kill_kliknik_shredder_guardian_01 You killed a Kliknik Shredder Guardian.
939 kill_kliknik_warrior_01 You killed a Kliknik Warrior.
940 kill_klikniks_01 Title: Kliknik Killer
941 kill_klikniks_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Kliknik Killer
942 kill_klikniks_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Kliknik Killer
943 kill_krayt_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Juvenile Canyon Krayts.
944 kill_krayt_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Krayt Dragon Adolescents.
945 kill_krayt_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Canyon Krayt Dragons.
946 kill_krayt_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Grand Krayt Dragons.
947 kill_krayt_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Krayt Dragon Ancients.
948 kill_krayt_dragons_01 Title: Champion Krayt Killer
949 kill_krayt_dragons_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Champion Krayt Killer
950 kill_krayt_dragons_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Champion Krayt Killer
951 kill_kreetle_01 You killed a Kreetle.
952 kill_kreetle_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Kreetles.
953 kill_kreetle_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Desert Kreetles.
954 kill_kreetle_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Carrion Kreetles.
955 kill_kreetle_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Death Kreetles.
956 kill_kreetle_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Overkreetles.
957 kill_kreetle_death_01 You killed a Death Kreetle.
958 kill_kreetle_over_01 You killed an Overkreetle.
959 kill_kreetles_01 Title: Kreetle Killer
960 kill_kreetles_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Kreetle Killer
961 kill_kreetles_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Kreetle Killer
962 kill_langlatch_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Langlatch Hunters.
963 kill_langlatch_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Langlatch Destroyers.
964 kill_langlatch_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Langlatch Marauders.
965 kill_langlatch_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Giant Langlatch.
966 kill_langlatch_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Sharptooth Langlatch.
967 kill_langlatch_destroyer_01 You killed a Langlatch Destroyer.
968 kill_langlatch_giant_01 You killed a Giant Langlatch.
969 kill_langlatch_hunter_01 You killed a Langlatch Hunter.
970 kill_langlatch_marauder_01 You killed a Langlatch Marauder.
971 kill_langlatches_01 Title: Langlatch Liquidator
972 kill_langlatches_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Langlatch Liquidator
973 kill_langlatches_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Langlatch Liquidator
974 kill_lava_beetle_01 You killed a Lava Beetle.
975 kill_lava_beetle_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Kubaza Beetles.
976 kill_lava_beetle_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Kubaza Beetle Workers.
977 kill_lava_beetle_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Kubaza Beetle Soldiers.
978 kill_lava_beetle_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Kubaza Beetle Queens.
979 kill_lava_beetle_queen_01 You killed a Lava Beetle Queen.
980 kill_lava_beetle_soldier_01 You killed a Lava Beetle Soldier.
981 kill_lava_beetle_worker_01 You killed a Lava Beetle Worker.
982 kill_lava_beetles_01 Title: Destroyer of the Kubaza Beetle
983 kill_lava_beetles_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Destroyer of the Kubaza Beetle
984 kill_lava_beetles_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Destroyer of the Kubaza Beetle
985 kill_leviasquall_01 You killed a Leviasquall.
986 kill_lice_ridden_remmer_queen_01 You killed a Lice-Ridden Remmer Queen.
987 kill_lurking_angler_01 You killed a Lurking Angler.
988 kill_mad_angler_01 You killed a Mad Angler.
989 kill_mamien_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Mamien Youth.
990 kill_mamien_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Ancient Mamien.
991 kill_mamien_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Elder Mamien.
992 kill_mamien_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Mamien Matriarchs.
993 kill_mamien_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Mamien Junglelords.
994 kill_mamiens_01 Title: Mamien Maimer
995 kill_mamiens_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Mamien Maimer
996 kill_mamiens_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Mamien Maimer
997 kill_mantigrue_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Insane Mantigrue Berserkers.
998 kill_mantigrue_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Mantigrue Screechers.
999 kill_mantigrue_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Mantigrue Hunters.
1000 kill_mantigrue_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Mantigrue Reapers.
1001 kill_mantigrue_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Mantigrue Night Stalkers.
1002 kill_mantigrue_hunter_01 You killed a Mantigrue Hunter.
1003 kill_mantigrue_insane_berserker_01 You killed an Insane Mantigrue Berserker.
1004 kill_mantigrue_night_stalker_01 You killed a Mantigrue Night Stalker.
1005 kill_mantigrue_reaper_01 You killed a Mantigrue Reaper.
1006 kill_mantigrue_screecher_01 You killed a Mantigrue Screecher.
1007 kill_mantigrues_01 Title: Mantigrue Marauder
1008 kill_mantigrues_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Mantigrue Marauder
1009 kill_mantigrues_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Mantigrue Marauder
1010 kill_merek_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Merek Harvesters.
1011 kill_merek_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Merek Harvester Queens.
1012 kill_merek_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Blood-Drenched Merek Kings.
1013 kill_merek_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Merek Cavern Keepers.
1014 kill_merek_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Delirious Merek Avengers.
1015 kill_merek_cavern_creeper You killed a Merek Cavern Keeper.
1016 kill_merek_harvester You killed a Merek Harvester.
1017 kill_mereks_01 Title: Merek Marauder
1018 kill_mereks_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Merek Marauder
1019 kill_mereks_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Merek Marauder
1020 kill_midnight_vir_vur You killed a Midnight Vir Vur.
1021 kill_midnight_vir_vur_01 You killed a Midnight Vir Vur.
1022 kill_mutant_baz_nitch_01 You killed a Mutant Baz-Nitch.
1023 kill_mutant_womprat_01 You killed a Mutant Womprat.
1024 kill_noxious_vrelt_scavenger_01 You killed a Noxious Vrelt Scavenger.
1025 kill_orphan_kreetle_01 You killed an Orphan Kreetle.
1026 kill_peko_peko_01 You killed a Peko Peko.
1027 kill_peko_peko_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Peko Peko.
1028 kill_peko_peko_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Giant Peko Peko.
1029 kill_peko_peko_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Peko Peko Albatrosses.
1030 kill_peko_peko_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Peko Peko Albatross Matriarchs.
1031 kill_peko_peko_albatross_01 You killed a Peko Peko Albatross.
1032 kill_peko_peko_albatross_high_01 You killed a Peko Peko Albatross Matriach.
1033 kill_peko_pekos_01 Title: Peko Peko Pulverizer
1034 kill_peko_pekos_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Peko Peko Pulverizer
1035 kill_peko_pekos_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Peko Peko Pulverizer
1036 kill_perlek_01 You killed a Perlek.
1037 kill_perlek_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Perleks.
1038 kill_perlek_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Perlek Ravagers.
1039 kill_perlek_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Perlek Scavengers.
1040 kill_perlek_ravager_01 You killed a Perlek Ravager.
1041 kill_perlek_scavenger_01 You killed a Perlek Scavenger.
1042 kill_perleks_01 Title: Dispatcher of the Perlek
1043 kill_perleks_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Dispatcher of the Perlek
1044 kill_perleks_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Dispatcher of the Perlek
1045 kill_primative_tier_2 They may have opposable thumbs, but lacking technology they are easy prey.
1046 kill_primative_tier_2_finished \#FF0000They may have opposable thumbs, but lacking technology they are easy prey.
1047 kill_primative_tier_2_unfinished \#7CFC00They may have opposable thumbs, but lacking technology they are easy prey.
1048 kill_puny_stintaril_01 You killed a Puny Stintaril.
1049 kill_puny_tanc_mite_01 You killed a Puny Tanc Mite.
1050 kill_queen_merek_harvester You killed a Merek Harvester Queen.
1051 kill_quenker_01 You killed a Quenker.
1052 kill_quenker_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Quenkers.
1053 kill_quenker_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Bile-Drenched Quenkers.
1054 kill_quenker_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Quenker Ravagers.
1055 kill_quenker_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Quenker Relic Reapers.
1056 kill_quenker_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Savage Quenkers.
1057 kill_quenker_relic_reaper_01 You killed a Quenker Relic Reaper.
1058 kill_quenker_terrible_01 You killed a Terrible Quenker.
1059 kill_quenkers_01 Title: Queller of the Quenker
1060 kill_quenkers_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Queller of the Quenker
1061 kill_quenkers_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Queller of the Quenker
1062 kill_rancid_remmer_warrior_01 You killed a Rancid Remmer Warrior.
1063 kill_rancor_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Rancor Youths.
1064 kill_rancor_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Rancors.
1065 kill_rancor_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Gnarled Rancors.
1066 kill_rancor_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Mutant Rancors.
1067 kill_rancor_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Ancient Bull Rancors.
1068 kill_rancors_01 Title: Champion Rancor Killer
1069 kill_rancors_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Champion Rancor Killer
1070 kill_rancors_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Champion Rancor Killer
1071 kill_reclusive_shear_mite_01 You killed a Reclusive Shear Mite.
1072 kill_remmer_01_01 You have completed the task of killing Rancid Remmer Warriors.
1073 kill_remmer_01_02 You have completed the task of killing Lice-Ridden Remmer Queens.
1074 kill_remmer_01_03 You have completed the task of killing Remmer Dune Scavengers.
1075 kill_remmer_01_04 You have completed the task of killing Rotten Gut Remmer Kings.
1076 kill_remmer_01_05 You have completed the task of killing Remmer Carrion Keepers.
1077 kill_remmer_carrion_keeper_01 You killed a Remmer Carrion Keeper.
1078 kill_remmer_dune_scavenger_01 You killed a Remmer Dune Scavenger.
1079 kill_remmers_01 Title: Remmer Repressor
1080 kill_remmers_01_finished \#FF0000Title: Remmer Repressor
1081 kill_remmers_01_unfinished \#7CFC00Title: Remmer Repressor


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