Star Wars Galaxies 日本語化 wiki




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63 deed_converted You have converted three normal deeds into one elite deed.
61 harvester_cant_self_power_elite You cannot self power an elite harvester with this deed.
62 harvester_cant_self_power_normal You cannot self power a normal harvester with an elite deed.
60 have_yacht You already have a Sorosuub Yacht control device stored in your datapad.
59 msg_respec_used Congratulations! All future respecs for this character will be half off the normal rate.
56 respec_voucher Apply Character Respec Reduction
58 sui_respec_prompt Using this item will permanently lower this character's respec cost by 50%. This will apply to all future respecs. Apply respec reduction now?
57 sui_respec_title Confirm Using Respec Voucher


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