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769 backpack_krayt_skull As much a display of power as it is a piece of common equipment, what appears to be the skull of a young Krayt Dragon is actually a perfectly functional backpack.
766 backpack_s01_treasure_map A experimental prototype backpack design by Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles. The backpack attempts to boost the wearers abilities by regulating addrenylln via bio-electric emitters build into the frame.
767 backpack_s06_treasure_map A experimental prototype backpack design by Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles. The backpack attempts to boost the wearers abilities by regulating addrenylln via bio-electric emitters build into the frame.
759 boots_s22 Boots, a clothing item wearable by most humanoid species. To wear these boots, double click their icon in your inventory view.
764 goggles_anniversary A set of goggles to commemorate Star Wars Galaxies Fourth Anniversary.
762 necklace_medallion_black_sun The medallion bears the striking insignia of the Black Sun criminal organization.
768 nightsister_hat_s02 Ceremonial head covering often worn by the Nightsisters of Dathomir.
761 ring_s04 A ring, worn on the finger (if you are a species lucky enough to have fingers). To wear this ring, go to your inventory window and double click on it.
760 singing_mountain_clan_mask_s01 A Singing Mountain Clan mask
763 wke_shirt_s05 Shirts come in a wide variety of styles, and some created by master tailors have protective traits. If you're a Wookiee and you want to wear this shirt, open your inventory and double click on it. This shirt blends in with Wookiee fur.


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