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タグ 翻訳待ち

beast.stf 1 ability_activate_creature_knowledge Studying Creature...
beast.stf 2 ability_learn_new_skill You Have Learned a New Skill!
beast.stf 3 activity_dislike Your companion seems unhappy about doing this activity.
beast.stf 4 activity_favorite You can tell that your companion approves of this activity.
beast.stf 5 beast_angry Angry
beast.stf 6 beast_annoyed Annoyed
beast.stf 7 beast_bff Best Friend Forever
beast.stf 8 beast_buff_level_too_high The beast is too big for this to have any effect.
beast.stf 123 beast_buff_no_beast You must have a beast out to use this.
beast.stf 9 beast_buff_use Give Beast Dietary Supplement
beast.stf 10 beast_buff_wrong_type This supplement doesnt work with this beast family.
beast.stf 11 beast_cant_call_combat You cannot call your beast in combat.
beast.stf 12 beast_cant_store "You cannot store your beast, while you are in combat."
beast.stf 13 beast_cant_travel "You must pack up your droids, pets, mounts, and vehicles prior to traveling."
beast.stf 14 beast_cant_travel_group One of your group members must pack up their pets prior to traveling.
beast.stf 15 beast_cant_when_dead "You cannot do that, when your beast appears dead."
beast.stf 16 beast_content Content
beast.stf 17 beast_disobedient Disobedient
beast.stf 18 beast_ecstatic Ecstatic
beast.stf 19 beast_furious Furious
beast.stf 20 beast_happy Happy
beast.stf 21 beast_has_buff The beast has already taken a supplement.
beast.stf 22 beast_joyous Joyous
beast.stf 23 beast_loyal Loyal
beast.stf 24 beast_loyalty_title Loyalty:
beast.stf 122 beast_master_use_only This tool may only be operated by a Beast Master
beast.stf 25 beast_miserable Miserable
beast.stf 26 beast_mood_title Mood:
beast.stf 27 beast_trained Trained
beast.stf 28 beast_unhappy Unhappy
beast.stf 29 beast_very_happy Very Happy
beast.stf 30 beast_wild Wild
beast.stf 31 bm_egg_d This is the end product of DNA core manipulation in an incubator. This egg is ready to hatch the creature cultivated inside.
beast.stf 32 bm_egg_n An incubated egg
beast.stf 33 cannot_transfer_bcd You cannot trade your beast once it has hatched from the egg.
beast.stf 34 cant_call_level You cannot call beasts that are too powerful for you to handle (10 levels above your level).
beast.stf 35 cant_call_maximum You have already called a beast.
beast.stf 36 cant_pickup You may not pick up an incubator that has an active user!
beast.stf 37 cant_transfer_too_many_stored "You can't transfer the beast, because that person has too many beasts already."
beast.stf 38 cant_transfer_you_have_too_many "You can't receive that beast, because you have too many stored."
beast.stf 39 centrifuge_runtime_info Centrifuge process will complete in %TO
beast.stf 40 combiner_runtime_info Re-Processor will complete in %TO
beast.stf 41 datapad_beast_added A beast control device has been added to your datapad!
beast.stf 43 defensive_message Your beast is now %TT.
beast.stf 44 dna_not_beast_master Only Beast Masters may extract DNA.
beast.stf 45 dna_not_in_tutorial You may not harvest DNA while in the tutorial.
beast.stf 46 dna_too_far You are too far to extract DNA.
beast.stf 47 egg_hatch_mount Hatch your mount
beast.stf 48 egg_make_mount Train Beast in Egg as a Mount
beast.stf 49 egg_make_mount_prompt "Are you sure you want to do this? Once converted, you cannot go back. Mounts cannot be reprocessed back into DNA cores. Mounts do not take advantage of the new Beast Master skills."
beast.stf 50 egg_make_mount_title Convert Egg into Mount?
beast.stf 51 enzyme_extraction_success You have extracted a Hydrolases Enzyme
beast.stf 52 enzyme_fail_already_harvested You have already extracted enzymes from this creature
beast.stf 53 enzyme_fail_beast_not_dead This creature is not yet dead
beast.stf 54 enzyme_fail_invalid_target Invalid target for extraction
beast.stf 55 enzyme_fail_no_loot_permission You do not have permission to extract enzymes from this corpse
beast.stf 56 enzyme_fail_target_is_pet You may only extract Hydrolases Enzymes from wild creatures
beast.stf 57 enzyme_fail_target_not_monster Incorrect target type for this tool
beast.stf 58 enzyme_fail_too_many_extractions No more Hydrolases Enzymes may be extracted from this corpse
beast.stf 59 error_on_start There has been an unspecified error on startup.
beast.stf 60 extract_type_3_enzyme Use Extractor
beast.stf 61 fed_dislike Your companion eats the food substitute but does not like it
beast.stf 62 fed_favorite Your companion seems very excited about eating this food sustenance.
beast.stf 63 fed_normal Your companion accepts this sustenance as a food source.
beast.stf 64 get_time_to_finish Time Remaining
beast.stf 42 god_complete_in_10 God Mode: 10 Second Cycle
beast.stf 65 god_hatch_egg GOD MODE: Hatch Egg with Dummy Data
beast.stf 66 hatch_egg Hatch Egg
beast.stf 67 incubator_activate_text You are about to activate this incubator. This will also cancel any experiments in any other incubators you are the active user of. Are you sure you wish to activate this incubator?
beast.stf 68 incubator_activate_title Activate Incubator
beast.stf 69 incubator_activated "This incubator unit has been activated, you may incubate creatures within it."
beast.stf 70 incubator_already_active This incubator is already active to someone else!
beast.stf 71 incubator_cleanse_fail Only the person who activated this Incubator may cleanse it.
beast.stf 72 incubator_cleanse_text "This will end your current experiment, all materials and DNA will be lost. The incubator must be re-activated before another experiment is started. Are you sure you wish to end your current experiement?"
beast.stf 73 incubator_cleanse_title Cleanse Incubator
beast.stf 74 incubator_cleansed This incubator unit has been cleansed of the previous experiment and must now be re-activated before starting another experiment.
beast.stf 75 incubator_cooldown_reset Your incubator usage cooldown has been reset.
beast.stf 76 incubator_home_owner_cleanse "As the owner of the structure you may cleanse this incubator and then pick it up, however this will end the current experiment inside and all materials and DNA will be lost. The incubator must be re-activated before another experiment is started. Are you sure you wish to end the current experiement?"
beast.stf 77 incubator_not_activated This incubator unit failed to initalize.
beast.stf 78 incubator_not_yours This incubator unit is not activated to you.
beast.stf 79 incubator_open Open Incubator
beast.stf 121 invalid_target_for_creature_knowledge You cannot perform Creature Knowledge on that target
beast.stf 80 location_dislike Your companion seems unhappy about being on this planet.
beast.stf 81 location_favorite Your companion seems very excited about being on this planet.
beast.stf 82 loyalty_gained Your companion has gained a level of Loyalty.
beast.stf 83 loyalty_lost Your companion has lost a level of Loyalty.
beast.stf 84 maximum_combat_control_devices "You cannot hatch an egg due to having too many pets, droids, and beasts in your datapad."
beast.stf 85 menu_feed Feed Companion
beast.stf 86 name_beast Name Beast
beast.stf 87 name_d "Enter your beast's name, although keep in mind it cannot exceed 40 characters and not be a reserved name."
beast.stf 88 name_t Enter Beast Name
beast.stf 89 name_too_long That beast name is too long. The length of the name cannot exceed 40 characters.
beast.stf 90 name_too_short That name is too short. You must have at least three characters in the name.
beast.stf 91 no_beast_to_feed You need to have a companion called out to feed this sustenance.
beast.stf 92 no_hatch_while_dead You cannot hatch an egg while dead or incapacitated.
beast.stf 93 not_active_user You are not the active user of this Incubator!
beast.stf 94 not_beast_master You are not a Beast Master!
beast.stf 95 pet_hungry Your companion seems to be hungry.
beast.stf 96 player_no_known_skills You do not know any abilities to train your pet
beast.stf 97 processor_runtime_info Element Processor will complete in %TO
beast.stf 98 session_in_progress You cannot pickup an incubator that has an active experiment in progress.
beast.stf 99 start_centrifuge Start Centrifuge
beast.stf 100 start_combiner Start Re-Processor
beast.stf 101 start_processor Start Element Processor
beast.stf 102 stop_centrifuge Stop Centrifuge
beast.stf 103 stop_combiner Stop Re-Processor
beast.stf 104 stop_processor Stop Element Processor
beast.stf 105 stored Your beast has been stored.
beast.stf 106 trail_fail_spam_single_skill_max Ability Level Too High
beast.stf 107 train_fail_already_known \#00FF00 %TU - Already Trained\#.
beast.stf 108 train_fail_bad_pet_type_for_ability \#996600 %TU - Invalid for Pet Type\#.
beast.stf 109 train_fail_beastmaster_only Only beastmasters may train pets
beast.stf 110 train_fail_insufficient_points \#AAAAAA %TU - Insufficient Training Points\#.
beast.stf 111 train_fail_invalid_pet You must have a creature out to train.
beast.stf 112 train_fail_no_slots \#FFCC00 %TU - Max Abilities Trained\#.
beast.stf 113 train_fail_single_skill_max \#663300 %TU - Ability Level Too High\#.
beast.stf 114 train_fail_spam_already_known Already Trained
beast.stf 115 train_fail_spam_bad_pet_type Invalid for Pet Type
beast.stf 116 train_fail_spam_insufficient_points Insufficient Training Points
beast.stf 117 train_fail_spam_no_slots Max Abilities Trained
beast.stf 118 train_success_new_ability You have trained your pet with a new ability! %TU
beast.stf 119 train_sui_heading Select the ability to train your pet
beast.stf 120 train_sui_title Train Pet


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  • 翻訳待ち

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