Star Wars Galaxies 日本語化 wiki




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collection.stf」 から 次の単語がハイライトされています :

タグ 翻訳待ち

1 a_burning_stone
2 a_to_e_prompt Enter the text you wanted to translate to English
3 a_to_e_title Aurebesh to English
940 access_delay You must wait %DI second(s) before collecting.
4 already_finished_collection You have already completed all the collections for this item.
5 already_have_slot You already have this item in a collection.
6 aurebesh_tile_aurek_n Aurek
7 aurebesh_tile_besh_n Besh
8 aurebesh_tile_cherek_n Cherek
9 aurebesh_tile_cresh_n Cresh
10 aurebesh_tile_description An Aurebesh Tile.
11 aurebesh_tile_dorn_n Dorn
12 aurebesh_tile_enth_n Enth
13 aurebesh_tile_esk_n Esk
14 aurebesh_tile_forn_n Forn
15 aurebesh_tile_grek_n Grek
16 aurebesh_tile_herf_n Herf
17 aurebesh_tile_isk_n Isk
18 aurebesh_tile_jenth_n Jenth
19 aurebesh_tile_kerenth_n Kerenth
20 aurebesh_tile_krill_n Krill
21 aurebesh_tile_leth_n Leth
22 aurebesh_tile_mern_n Mern
23 aurebesh_tile_nen_n Nen
24 aurebesh_tile_nern_n Nern
25 aurebesh_tile_onith_n Onith
26 aurebesh_tile_orenth_n Orenth
27 aurebesh_tile_osk_n Osk
28 aurebesh_tile_peth_n Peth
29 aurebesh_tile_qek_n Qek
30 aurebesh_tile_resh_n Resh
31 aurebesh_tile_senth_n Senth
32 aurebesh_tile_shen_n Shen
33 aurebesh_tile_thesh_n Thesh
34 aurebesh_tile_trill_n Trill
35 aurebesh_tile_usk_n Usk
36 aurebesh_tile_vev_n Vev
37 aurebesh_tile_wesk_n Wesk
38 aurebesh_tile_xesh_n Xesh
39 aurebesh_tile_yirt_n Yirt
40 aurebesh_tile_zerek_n Zerek
41 aurebesh_to_english Aurebesh to English
42 bantha_bone_d A rare bone that might be worth collecting.
43 bantha_bone_n A Cracked Bantha Bone
44 betrayer_01 Sword of the Betrayer
45 bondar_crystal_reward_d A lightsaber crystal created from shards and fragments of bondar, a mineral only found in certain rare asteroids.
46 bondar_crystal_reward_n Reconstructed Bondar Crystal
47 broken_lightsaber_hilt_001_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
48 broken_lightsaber_hilt_001_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
49 broken_lightsaber_hilt_002_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
50 broken_lightsaber_hilt_002_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
51 broken_lightsaber_hilt_003_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
52 broken_lightsaber_hilt_003_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
53 broken_lightsaber_hilt_004_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
54 broken_lightsaber_hilt_004_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
55 broken_lightsaber_hilt_005_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
56 broken_lightsaber_hilt_005_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
57 broken_lightsaber_hilt_006_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
58 broken_lightsaber_hilt_006_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
59 broken_lightsaber_hilt_007_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
60 broken_lightsaber_hilt_007_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
61 broken_lightsaber_hilt_008_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
62 broken_lightsaber_hilt_008_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
63 broken_lightsaber_hilt_009_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
64 broken_lightsaber_hilt_009_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
65 broken_lightsaber_hilt_010_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
66 broken_lightsaber_hilt_010_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
67 broken_lightsaber_hilt_011_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
68 broken_lightsaber_hilt_011_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
69 broken_lightsaber_hilt_012_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
70 broken_lightsaber_hilt_012_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
71 broken_lightsaber_hilt_013_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
72 broken_lightsaber_hilt_013_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
73 broken_lightsaber_hilt_014_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
74 broken_lightsaber_hilt_015_d The broken hilt of a jedi's lightsaber.
75 broken_lightsaber_hilt_015_n A Broken Lightsaber Hilt
76 chapter7_publish_gift_collection_token_d This is an invitation to meet with a collector on Tatooine who will give you basic pointers regarding collections. Inspecting the device will start a quest.
77 chapter7_publish_gift_collection_token_n Introduction to Collections
78 click_countdown_timer Collecting
79 click_item_prompt Are you sure you wish to attempt to add this item to your collections?
80 click_not_combat You cannot collect while in combat.
81 click_not_dead_incap You cannot collect while incapacitated or dead.
82 click_not_mounted You can not collect while mounted.
83 col_feather Feather Collection
84 col_npc_prompt The Nexus Collector has the following collections available at this time. You can activate 2 collections at a time.
85 col_npc_title Collector Tasks
947 collection_cleared The chosen collection has been cleared and all progress toward completion has been removed.
948 collection_complete_can_not_clear This collection has already been completed and can not be cleared.
86 collection_list_prompt Choose the collection you would like to add this item to.
87 collection_list_title Available Collections
952 collection_sui_delete_prompt Choose the Collection you wish to remove.
951 collection_sui_delete_title Remove Collection
88 com_link_01_d a Comlink, style 1 of 10.
89 com_link_01_n a Comlink
90 com_link_02_d a Comlink, style 2 of 10.
91 com_link_02_n a Comlink
92 com_link_03_d a Comlink, style 3 of 10.
93 com_link_03_n a Comlink
94 com_link_04_d a Comlink, style 4 of 10.
95 com_link_04_n a Comlink
96 com_link_05_d a Comlink, style 5 of 10.
97 com_link_05_n a Comlink
98 com_link_06_d a Comlink, style 6 of 10.
99 com_link_06_n a Comlink
100 com_link_07_d a Comlink, style 7 of 10.
101 com_link_07_n a Comlink
102 com_link_08_d a Comlink, style 8 of 10.
103 com_link_08_n a Comlink
104 com_link_09_d a Comlink, style 9 of 10.
105 com_link_09_n a Comlink
106 com_link_10_d a Comlink, style 10 of 10.
107 com_link_10_n a Comlink
108 com_link_painting_reward_d A painting of a comlink.
109 com_link_painting_reward_n Comlink painting
950 confirm_delete_prompt By pressing "OK", the chosen Collection will be removed and ALL progress made in the collection will be lost. Are you sure you want to remove the collection?
949 confirm_delete_title Confirm Delete
110 consume_item Add to Collection
111 consume_item_prompt Are you sure you wish to attempt to add this item to your collections? If successful, this item will be removed from your inventory.
112 consume_item_title Add Item to Collection
113 count_dooku_lightsaber_plaque_reward_d A plaque displaying Count Dooku's lightsaber
114 count_dooku_lightsaber_plaque_reward_n Count Dooku Lightsaber Plaque
115 damind_crystal_reward_d A lightsaber crystal created from shards and fragments of damind. The damind crystal is named after the planet of its origin, the desert planet Daminia.
116 damind_crystal_reward_n Reconstructed Damind Crystal
117 damind_shard_01_d A fragment of a damind crystal.
118 damind_shard_01_n A Damind Crystal Shard
119 damind_shard_02_d A fragment of a damind crystal.
120 damind_shard_02_n A Damind Crystal Shard
121 damind_shard_03_d A fragment of a damind crystal.
122 damind_shard_03_n A Damind Crystal Shard
123 damind_shard_04_d A fragment of a damind crystal.
124 damind_shard_04_n A Damind Crystal Shard
125 damind_shard_05_d A fragment of a damind crystal.
126 damind_shard_05_n A Damind Crystal Shard
127 dancing_droid_01_d Droid part 1 of 10
128 dancing_droid_01_n a Damaged Droid
129 dancing_droid_02_d Droid part 2 of 10
130 dancing_droid_02_n a Droid Manipulator Arm
131 dancing_droid_03_d Droid part 3 of 10
132 dancing_droid_03_n Droid Motivator
133 dancing_droid_04_d Droid part 4 of 10
134 dancing_droid_04_n Droid Sensor Suite
135 dancing_droid_05_d Droid part 5 of 10
136 dancing_droid_05_n Droid Module Package
137 dancing_droid_06_d Droid part 6 of 10
138 dancing_droid_06_n Droid Playback Module
139 dancing_droid_07_d Droid part 7 of 10
140 dancing_droid_07_n an Astromech Head
141 dancing_droid_08_d Droid part 8 of 10
142 dancing_droid_08_n an Astromech Torso
143 dancing_droid_09_d Droid part 9 of 10
144 dancing_droid_09_n Droid Advanced Redundant Power Supply
145 dancing_droid_10_d Droid part 10 of 10
146 dancing_droid_10_n Droid Personality Chip
147 datapad_01_d a Datapad, style 1 of 10.
148 datapad_01_n a Datapad
149 datapad_02_d a Datapad, style 2 of 10.
150 datapad_02_n a Datapad
151 datapad_03_d a Datapad, style 3 of 10.
152 datapad_03_n a Datapad
153 datapad_04_d a Datapad, style 4 of 10.
154 datapad_04_n a Datapad
155 datapad_05_d a Datapad, style 5 of 10.
156 datapad_05_n a Datapad
157 datapad_06_d a Datapad, style 6 of 10.
158 datapad_06_n a Datapad
159 datapad_07_d a Datapad, style 7 of 10.
160 datapad_07_n a Datapad
161 datapad_08_d a Datapad, style 8 of 10.
162 datapad_08_n a Datapad
163 datapad_09_d a Datapad, style 9 of 10.
164 datapad_09_n a Datapad
165 datapad_10_d a Datapad, style 10 of 10.
166 datapad_10_n a Datapad
167 datapad_painting_reward_d A painting of a datapad.
168 datapad_painting_reward_n Datapad Painting
170 dejarik_battery_d One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
171 dejarik_battery_n A Dejarik Battery
172 dejarik_board_d One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
173 dejarik_board_n A Dejarik Board
174 dejarik_ghhhk_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
175 dejarik_ghhhk_n Ghhhk Dejarik Piece
176 dejarik_grimtaash_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
177 dejarik_grimtaash_n Grimtaash Dejarik Piece
178 dejarik_holoprojector_d One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
179 dejarik_holoprojector_n A Dejarik Holoprojector
180 dejarik_houjix_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
181 dejarik_houjix_n Houjix Dejarik Piece
182 dejarik_keypad_01_d One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
183 dejarik_keypad_01_n A Dejarik Keypad One
184 dejarik_keypad_02_d One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
185 dejarik_keypad_02_n A Dejarik Keypad Two
186 dejarik_kintan_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
187 dejarik_kintan_n Kintan Strider Dejarik Piece
188 dejarik_klorslug_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
189 dejarik_klorslug_n K'lor'slug Dejarik Piece
190 dejarik_mantellian_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
191 dejarik_mantellian_n Mantellian Sarvip Dejarik Piece
192 dejarik_monnok_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
193 dejarik_monnok_n Monnok Dejarik Piece
194 dejarik_ngok_d An old holographic monster that acts as a playing piece in the Dejarik game.
195 dejarik_ngok_n Ng'ok Dejarik Piece
196 dejarik_table_base_d One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
197 dejarik_table_base_n A Dejarik Base
198 dejarik_table_reward_d Dejarik, a popular game which is played throughout the Galaxy.
199 dejarik_table_reward_n A Dejarik Table
200 dejarik_table_schematic_reward_d A schematic used in the crafting of a dejarik tabel.
201 dejarik_table_schematic_reward_n Dejarik Tabel Schematic
202 dejarik_table_stand_d One of the components used in a Dejarik game board.
203 dejarik_table_stand_n A Dejarik Stand
204 desert_demon_doll_reward_d A tusken doll of a desert demon.
205 desert_demon_doll_reward_n Desert Demon Doll
206 dooku_datadisk_01_d Padawan - The data disk tells the story of Dooku's youth and training in the Jedi Order. Born from nobility, the young Dooku was trained as a jedi from an early age. During his years as a padawan he trained under some of the greatest jedi of his time, including Jedi Master Yoda.
207 dooku_datadisk_01_n Dooku's Story - Data disk 1
208 dooku_datadisk_02_d Jedi Master - The data disk describes Dooku's promotion to Jedi Knight and the training of padawans of his own, including Qui-Gon Jinn. Dooku was granted the rank of Jedi Master with Qui-Gon Jinn's successful passage from Padawan to Jedi Knight.
209 dooku_datadisk_02_n Dooku's Story - Data disk 2
210 dooku_datadisk_03_d Leaving the Order - The data disk tells of Dooku and his loss of faith in the Republic and the Jedi Order. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo and the death of his former student, Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku formally left the Jedi Order.
211 dooku_datadisk_03_n Dooku's Story - Data disk 3
212 dooku_datadisk_04_d Embracing the Dark Side - The data disk contains the story of how Dooku assumed his inherited title of Count and rose to be one of the leaders of the Separatists' Movement prior to the outbreak of the Clone War.
213 dooku_datadisk_04_n Dooku's Story - Data disk 4
214 dooku_datadisk_05_d Dooku's Death - On the final data disk, the last years of Count Dooku's life are recorded. Here, many of his actions during the Clone War are told. The story ends with his death, at the hands of Anakin Skywalker, during the Battle of Coruscant.
215 dooku_datadisk_05_n Dooku's Story - Data disk 5
216 dwartii_statue_braata_d A status of Braata, one of the four ancient sages of Dwarti.
217 dwartii_statue_braata_n Braata Statue
218 dwartii_statue_faya_d A status of Faya, one of the four ancient sages of Dwarti.
219 dwartii_statue_faya_n Faya Statue
220 dwartii_statue_sistros_d A status of Sitros, one of the four ancient sages of Dwarti.
221 dwartii_statue_sistros_n Sistros Statue
222 dwartii_statue_yanjon_d A status of Yanjon, one of the four ancient sages of Dwarti.
223 dwartii_statue_yanjon_n Yanjon Statue
224 e_to_a_prompt Enter the text you want translated to Aurebesh
225 e_to_a_title English to Aurebesh
226 emperor_statuette_reward_d A statuette of Emperor Palpatine.
227 emperor_statuette_reward_n Emperor Palpatine Statuette
228 english_to_aurebesh English to Aurebesh
229 eralam_crystal_reward_d A lightsaber crystal created from shards and fragments of Eralam. The source of this crystal is believed to have been lost to history.
230 eralam_crystal_reward_n Reconstructed Eralam Crystal
231 eralam_shard_01_d A fragment of a eralam crystal.
232 eralam_shard_01_n A Eralam Crystal Shard
233 eralam_shard_02_d A fragment of a eralam crystal.
234 eralam_shard_02_n A Eralam Crystal Shard
235 eralam_shard_03_d A fragment of a eralam crystal.
236 eralam_shard_03_n A Eralam Crystal Shard
237 eralam_shard_04_d A fragment of a eralam crystal.
238 eralam_shard_04_n A Eralam Crystal Shard
239 eralam_shard_05_d A fragment of a eralam crystal.
240 eralam_shard_05_n A Eralam Crystal Shard
241 fish_dathomir_burra_d A Dathomir Burra fish that may be worth keeping.
242 fish_dathomir_burra_n A Dathomir Burra Fish
243 fish_endor_buzzfish_d A Endor Buzzfish that may be worth keeping.
244 fish_endor_buzzfish_n An Endor Buzzfish
245 fish_endor_trout_d A Endor Trout that may be worth keeping.
246 fish_endor_trout_n An Endor Trout
247 fish_naboo_fatfish_d A Naboo Fatfish that may be worth keeping.
248 fish_naboo_fatfish_n A Naboo Fatfish
249 fish_naboo_gooberfish_d A Naboo Gooberfish that may be worth keeping.
250 fish_naboo_gooberfish_n A Naboo Gooberfish
251 fish_naboo_gumfish_d A Naboo Gumfish that may be worth keeping.
252 fish_naboo_gumfish_n A Naboo Gumfish
253 fish_naboo_mee_d A Naboo Mee fish that may be worth keeping.
254 fish_naboo_mee_n A Naboo Mee Fish
255 fish_naboo_see_d A Naboo See fish that may be worth keeping.
256 fish_naboo_see_n A Naboo See Fish
257 fish_rare_blackfish_d A rare Blackfish that may be worth keeping.
258 fish_rare_blackfish_n A Rare Blackfish
259 fish_rare_blowfish_d A rare Blowfish that may be worth keeping.
260 fish_rare_blowfish_n A Rare Blowfish
261 fish_rare_bluefish_d A rare Blowfish that may be worth keeping.
262 fish_rare_bluefish_n A Rare Bluefish
263 fish_rare_faa_d A rare Blowfish that may be worth keeping.
264 fish_rare_faa_n A Rare Faa Fish
265 fish_rare_laa_d A rare Blowfish that may be worth keeping.
266 fish_rare_laa_n A Rare Laa Fish
267 fish_rare_ray_d A rare Blowfish that may be worth keeping.
268 fish_rare_ray_n A Rare Ray Fish
269 fish_rare_striped_d A rare Blowfish that may be worth keeping.
270 fish_rare_striped_n A Rare Striped Fish
271 fish_tank_bubble_stone_d This item is used as a component for crafting a fish tank.
272 fish_tank_bubble_stone_n Bubbling Stone
273 fish_tank_front_panel_d This item is used as a component for crafting a fish tank.
274 fish_tank_front_panel_n Transparisteel Front Panel
275 fish_tank_left_panel_d This item is used as a component for crafting a fish tank.
276 fish_tank_left_panel_n Transparisteel Left Panel
277 fish_tank_rear_panel_d This item is used as a component for crafting a fish tank.
278 fish_tank_rear_panel_n Transparisteel Rear Panel
279 fish_tank_reward_d A Fish Tank.
280 fish_tank_reward_n Fish Tank
281 fish_tank_right_panel_d This item is used as a component for crafting a fish tank.
282 fish_tank_right_panel_n Transparisteel Right Panel
283 fish_tank_schematic_reward_d A Fish Tank Schematic.
284 fish_tank_schematic_reward_n Fish Tank Schematic
285 fish_tank_tubing_d This item is used as a component for crafting a fish tank.
286 fish_tank_tubing_n Tubing
287 fish_yavin_crawlfish_d A Yavin Crawlfish that may be worth keeping.
288 fish_yavin_crawlfish_n A Yavin Crawlfish
289 flit_bone_d A rare bone that might be worth collecting.
290 flit_bone_n A Hollow Flit Bone
291 flower_010_d A potted plant.
292 flower_01_d A potted plant.
293 flower_01_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
294 flower_02_d A potted plant.
295 flower_02_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
296 flower_03_d A potted plant.
297 flower_03_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
298 flower_04_d A potted plant.
299 flower_04_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
300 flower_05_d A potted plant.
301 flower_05_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
302 flower_06_d A potted plant.
303 flower_06_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
304 flower_07_d A potted plant.
305 flower_07_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
306 flower_08_d A potted plant.
307 flower_08_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
308 flower_09_d A potted plant.
309 flower_09_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
310 flower_10_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
311 flower_11_d A potted plant.
312 flower_11_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
313 flower_12_d A potted plant.
314 flower_12_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
315 flower_13_d A potted plant.
316 flower_13_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
317 flower_14_d A potted plant.
318 flower_14_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
319 flower_15_d A potted plant.
320 flower_15_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
321 flower_16_d A potted plant.
322 flower_16_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
323 flower_17_d A potted plant.
324 flower_17_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
325 flower_18_d A potted plant.
326 flower_18_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
327 flower_19_d A potted plant.
328 flower_19_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
329 flower_20_d A potted plant.
330 flower_20_n Small Potted Plant, Style Two
331 framed_beetle_specimen_d A collection of framed beetle specimens.
332 framed_beetle_specimen_n Framed Beetle Specimens
169 frn_all_feather_pillow_hue_s01_d
939 frn_all_feather_pillow_hue_s01_n A Feather Pillow
333 gulginaw_feather_d A rare tail feather that might be worth collecting.
334 gulginaw_feather_n A Gulginaw Tail Feather
335 hanging_light_01_d A free-stnding lamp.
336 hanging_light_01_n Free-standing Lamp 'Razorcoil'
337 hanging_light_02_d A table-top lamp.
338 hanging_light_02_n Table-top Lamp 'Coruscant'
339 hanging_light_03_d A free-standing lamp.
340 hanging_light_03_n Free-standing Lamp 'Razorcoil'
341 hanging_light_04_d A table-top lamp.
342 hanging_light_04_n Table-top Lamp 'Coruscant'
343 hanging_light_05_d A free-standing lamp.
344 hanging_light_05_n Free-standing Lamp 'Razorcoil'
345 hanging_light_06_d A table-top lamp.
346 hanging_light_06_n Table-top Lamp 'Coruscant'
347 hanging_light_07_d A free-standing lamp.
348 hanging_light_07_n Free-standing Lamp 'Razorcoil'
349 hanging_light_08_d A table-top lamp.
350 hanging_light_08_n Table-top Lamp 'Coruscant'
351 hanging_light_09_d A free-standing lamp.
352 hanging_light_09_n Free-standing Lamp 'Razorcoil'
353 hanging_light_10_d A table-top lamp.
354 hanging_light_10_n Table-top Lamp 'Coruscant'
355 hanging_light_reward_01_d A Hanging Light.
356 hanging_light_reward_01_n A Hanging Light
357 holocron_pedestal_reward_d
358 holocron_pedestal_reward_n Holocron Pedestal
359 holocron_pedestal_schematic_reward_d A schematic for crafting a holocron pedestal.
360 holocron_pedestal_schematic_reward_n Jedi Holocron Pedestal Schematic
942 housing_improvement_01_n Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Space
943 housing_improvement_02_n Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Space
944 housing_improvement_03_n Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Space
945 housing_improvement_04_n Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Space
946 housing_improvement_05_n Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Space
361 ig_88_head_d
362 ig_88_head_n IG-88 Prototype Head
363 ig_88_left_arm_d
364 ig_88_left_arm_n IG-88 Prototype Left Arm
365 ig_88_left_leg_d
366 ig_88_left_leg_n IG-88 Prototype Left Leg
367 ig_88_right_arm_d
368 ig_88_right_arm_n IG-88 Prototype Right Arm
369 ig_88_right_leg_d
370 ig_88_right_leg_n IG-88 Prototype Right Leg
371 ig_88_stand_d A metal stand. It seems this item would be useful for crafting.
372 ig_88_stand_n A Metal Stand
373 ig_88_torso_d
374 ig_88_torso_n IG-88 Prototype Torso
375 ig_88_wooden_dowel_d A support dowel. It seems this item would be useful for crafting.
376 ig_88_wooden_dowel_n A Wooden Support Dowel
377 imp_t1_dark_trooper_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to a Dark Trooper.
378 imp_t1_dark_trooper_n A Dark Trooper Statuette
379 imp_t1_scout_trooper_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to a Scout Trooper.
380 imp_t1_scout_trooper_n A Scout Trooper Statuette
381 imp_t1_shock_trooper_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to a Shock Trooper.
382 imp_t1_shock_trooper_n A Shock Trooper Statuette
383 imp_t1_snow_trooper_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to a Snow Trooper.
384 imp_t1_snow_trooper_n A Snow Trooper Statuette
385 imp_t1_storm_trooper_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to a Storm Trooper.
386 imp_t1_storm_trooper_n A Storm Trooper Statuette
387 imp_t2_engineer_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to an Engineer.
388 imp_t2_engineer_n An Engineer Statuette
389 imp_t2_marine_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to an Imperial Marine.
390 imp_t2_marine_n An Imperial Marine Statuette
391 imp_t2_officer_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to an Imperial Officer.
392 imp_t2_officer_n An Imperial Officer Statuette
393 imp_t2_pilot_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to an Imperial Pilot.
394 imp_t2_pilot_n An Imperial Pilot Statuette
395 imp_t3_darth_maul_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to Darth Maul.
396 imp_t3_darth_maul_n A Darth Maul Statuette
397 imp_t3_darth_plagueis_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to Darth Plagueis.
398 imp_t3_darth_plagueis_n A Darth Plagueis Statuette
399 imp_t3_darth_sidious_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to Darth Sidious.
400 imp_t3_darth_sidious_n A Darth Sidious Statuette
401 imp_t3_darth_tyranus_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to Darth Tyranus.
402 imp_t3_darth_tyranus_n A Darth Tyranus Statuette
403 imp_t3_darth_vader_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to a Darth Vader.
404 imp_t3_darth_vader_n A Darth Vader Statuette
405 imp_t3_royal_guard_d A marble statue which bears an uncanny likeness to an Emperor's Royal Guard.
406 imp_t3_royal_guard_n An Emperor's Royal Guard Statuette
407 invis_collection_failed You cannot collect while invisible.
408 jedi_holocron_01_d An ancient holocron used by the jedi order.
409 jedi_holocron_01_n A Jedi Holocron
410 jedi_holocron_02_d An ancient holocron used by the jedi order.
411 jedi_holocron_02_n A Jedi Holocron
412 jedi_holocron_03_d An ancient holocron used by the jedi order.
413 jedi_holocron_03_n A Jedi Holocron
414 jedi_holocron_04_d An ancient holocron used by the jedi order.
415 jedi_holocron_04_n A Jedi Holocron
416 jedi_holocron_05_d An ancient holocron used by the jedi order.
417 jedi_holocron_05_n A Jedi Holocron
418 jeweled_necklace_schematic_reward_d A schematic for crafting a holocron pedestal.
419 jeweled_necklace_schematic_reward_n_ Jeweled Necklace Schematic
420 jundank_bone_d A rare bone that might be worth collecting.
421 jundank_bone_n A Jundank Jaw Bone
422 kai_tok_feather_d A rare tail feather that might be worth collecting.
423 kai_tok_feather_n A Kai Tok Tail Feather
424 kasha_crystal_reward_d A lightsaber crystal created from shards and fragments of kasha. While these crystals were traditionally used as meditation devices, some Jedi have been known to use these crystals to focus the beam of their lightsabers.
425 kasha_crystal_reward_n Reconstructed Kasha Crystal
426 kasha_shard_01_d A fragment of a kasha crystal.
427 kasha_shard_01_n A Kasha Crystal Shard
428 kasha_shard_02_d A fragment of a kasha crystal.
429 kasha_shard_02_n A Kasha Crystal Shard
430 kasha_shard_03_d A fragment of a kasha crystal.
431 kasha_shard_03_n A Kasha Crystal Shard
432 kasha_shard_04_d A fragment of a kasha crystal.
433 kasha_shard_04_n A Kasha Crystal Shard
434 kasha_shard_05_d A fragment of a kasha crystal.
435 kasha_shard_05_n A Kasha Crystal Shard
436 kill_gurk_activation_d It seems odd finding this creature with a bottle. The alcohol seems to have sickened it. Consume the remaining alcohol and hunt down any remaining sickened Gurk.
437 kill_gurk_activation_n a nearly-empty bottle of alcohol
438 kill_tusken_activation_d This looks to be what remains of YOUR pie! Enraged, you decide to consume the last piece and focus your anger on the thieves!
439 kill_tusken_activation_n Stolen Pie
440 kima_bone_d A rare bone that might be worth collecting.
441 kima_bone_n A Chipped Kima Bone
442 kwi_bone_d A rare bone that might be worth collecting.
443 kwi_bone_n A Split Kwi Leg Bone


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