

称号 永遠なる薔薇
属性 中立にして善
権能 美、芸術、愛、魔法
信者 芸術家、詩人、恋人たち
クレリックの属性 秩序にして善、中立にして善、混沌にして善
領域 風、魅了、善、幸運、守護
好む武器 魂を囁くもの(グレイヴ)



 女神シェーリンは“遠吠えの皇子”スロンThronの娘として生まれた。それは始原の神々the First Gods(彼女の異母兄であるドウ=ブラルも含まれている)がロヴァググを幽閉し、人類を彼ら自身の手に委ねることに同意した後のことである。その後、彼女はドウ=ブラルと美、愛、芸術の権能を共有し、先タルドールearly Taldorにより崇拝を受けた。しかしそれは、二人が言い争い、ドウ=ブラルがゴラリオンから追放され次元界の狭間の暗き場所に追いやられるまでのことであった。
 のちに、おそらくは“暗闇の時代the Age of Darkness”以降、兄弟は再びいさかいをはじめた。彼女が彼の武器である黄金のグレイヴを奪い去り、沈黙と回避によるわずかな平和が訪れるまで、彼は彼女の涙に暴力で答えてきた。


 シェーリンは創造力を奨励し世界に力を与える。彼女は彼女の信者に対し限界を試し、彼らの作ったものを共有し、他者の贈り物を好むよう、意欲を掻き立てる。シェーリンは「真の美は内より現れる」と説き(そして実践し)、情欲のみに基づかない恋愛を好む。シェーリンのクレリックは日々美しいものを作ることに努める。それが芸術的なものか型破りなものかは問わない。たとえば、花園を好む庭師が挙げられる。シェーリンのパラディンはまれであり、たった1柱の神格も崇めることがない人よりもはるかに珍しいが、いくらかは存在する。例えば、アーン・オダバールArn Odeberの息子にしてオダバール家の始祖、聖マルクス・オダバールSaint Marcus Odeberのような。彼女を崇拝するレンジャードルイドは普通、自給自足するたぐいの人々である。彼らは自然の美が存在する場所を眺めて満足するか、ひょっとしたら新しい場所での再出発を必要とする恋人たちに雇われるかもしれない(Gods/Magic p37)。タルドールTaldorに住む人間は別にすれば、シェーリンはノーム、ハーフエルフ、ハーフリングに好まれる神格である。ストーム・ジャイアントは彼女を音楽の女神シリスSyrissとして崇拝している。そして、彼女は空の神ハイジャスHyjarthと海の神トウリシアTourithia(いずれの神もゴズレーである)の娘だと信じている。
 戦いのさなかでようやく美の重要性を理解した(訳注:それにより戦いを止めることにした)定命の者たちに対して、シェーリンは神聖な終戦協定を提供することで知られている。シェーリンは、そのわずかな聖なる加護(「シェーリンの温かな抱擁」Elves of Golarion, p28を参照)の代わりに、これらの“隠れ家の転向者foxhole converts”にあらゆる生きたクリーチャーに美を見出す機会を与えることを奨励し、彼らが戦闘中に不思議にも第一撃を打ちたくなくなるようにする。


 試練:シェーリンの試練は通常救出を含む。破壊から古代の芸術品を助け出すのかもしれないし、星野めぐりの悪い恋人たちを彼らの家族から助け出すのかもしれない。あるいは芸術や美を広めることである場合もある。最後に、ときおりシェーリンは“魂を囁くものWhisperer of Souls”から他の魂を解放できるように、信者たちを善を促進する一般的な試練に参加させることがある。











 はるか昔に彼らが初めて生まれると、彼らの両親はゾン=クーソンに強制して、“法”の権力に対して“不壊なる誓いthe Unbreakable Oath”(よりよい名前が検討中である)を誓わせた。ゾン=クーソンは彼が決してシェーリンを傷つけないし、もし彼の前で他のものが彼女を傷つけようとしたならば黙ってみていることはしない、と誓ったのである。“不壊なる誓い”を守ることと引き換えに、彼は“魂を囁くもの”という名のグレイヴを受け取った(このグレイヴは、シェーリンが後に彼から奪い取ることになる――それについては後述する)。




 さて、美と恋愛の女神はいかにして彼女の好む武器であるグレイヴを手に入れたのか? シェーリンはこのグレイヴを“不壊なる誓い”を誓わせることにより、彼女の異母兄であるゾン=クーソンに贈った。この武器はかつての鍛冶の神により作られたものである。この鍛冶の神はシェーリンの母が求めた同じ殺人の饗宴の間じゅう堕落していた。彼がそれを譲り受けると、その武器はゾン=クーソンを堕落させ、他の神格との戦争に出向くよう説得した。その戦争においてシェーリンは母を失い、恋愛の女神となった。作られたときに“魂を囁くもの”は(その名前の由来である)魂を吸い出すの能力を与えられ、かつては 100 の力ある、自身の手で神になるはずの魂を吸収していた(いかなるものの魂をもそのようにできるわけではない)。そして、それにより“殺戮と死の時代era of murder and death”を引き起こすこととなった。ゾン=クーソンがそれを受け取ったときには、一切の魂を保持してはいなかったのである。“魂を囁くもの”をシェーリンが盗み出した時には、それは自分が必要とするあらゆるもののほとんどを所持していた。このときから、シェーリンはネサスと勇敢な冒険者たちの助力(女神の課す壮大なクエストは、魂を解き放つために成し遂げられなければならない)のおかげで、それらの魂の多くを解放することができるようになった。“魂の囁き手”をひどく落胆させたことには、それがいかなる方法においてもシェーリンを堕落させようとすることも彼女に影響を与えることもできなかったのだ(これにより、彼女には“堕落せぬものthe Incorruptible”の称号が与えられた)。実際には、正反対である。シェーリンがこの武器をはじめに盗んだとき、それは悪夢のようで見るも恐ろしい品であったが、何千年もの間に、シェーリンはそれを美しい芸術品の1つに作り変えてしまった。それはまだあちらこちらに醜い部分を持っているが、それは彼女が魂を解放するごとにより少なくなっている。


[1] Erik Mona et al. (2008). Campaign Setting, p. 247. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Mike McArtor. (March 8, 2008). A Duo of Deities, Paizo Blog.
[3] Mike McArtor. (July 3, 2007). Gods of Pathfinder, Paizo Messageboards.
[4] Erik Mona & Jason Bulmahn. (2008). Gazetteer, Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-077-3

Titles The Eternal Rose
Alignment Neutral good
Portfolio Beauty, art, love, music
Worshipers Artists, poets, lovers
Cleric Alignments LG NG CG
Domains Air, Charm, Good, Luck, Protection
Favored Weapon Whisperer of Souls (glaive)

Shelyn (pronounced SHEHL-ihn)[1] is the half-sister of Zon-Kuthon. She started life as a relatively minor deity of beauty, art, and music, but with the destruction of her mother (former goddess of love) she gained the very important portfolio of love and became a somewhat more powerful deity. Shelyn continues to focus on beauty (and the related art and music) and has expanded upon her mother's relatively narrow view of love to include all forms of the emotion. Shelyn's ethnicity of origin is Taldor and her major centers of worship are Absalom, Galt, Sargava and Taldor.[2]


The Goddess Shelyn was born the daughter of Thron, “The Prince That Howls”, after the First Gods (including her half-brother by Thron, Dou-Bral) had imprisoned Rovagug and had agreed to leave humanity to its own devices. For a time she and Dou-Bral shared the portfolios of beauty, love and the arts, and were worshiped by the early Taldor, until at some point they argued, and Dou-Bral abandoned Golarion for the far dark places between the planes.

When Dou-Bral returned to Golarion he had become a god of mutilation, misery and torture: Zon-Kuthon. Believing that Dou-Bral still existed within Zon-Kuthon Shelyn reached out to her lost brother but he pierced her hand with his black nails. When Thron, their father, tried to welcome him Zon-Kuthon captured and tortured the wolf-spirit beyond recognition. It was for these crimes and for other terrible acts he committed against Shelyn and her works that the gods of Golarion banished Zon-Kuthon to the Plane of Shadow, there to reside for as long as the sun hung in the sky.

Later, presumably after the Age of Darkness, the siblings quarreled again, he responding to her tears and pleading with violence, until she wrested his weapon, a golden glaive, away from him and a tenuous peace of silence and avoidance was struck.


Shelyn encourages creativity and inspires the world. She challenges her faithful to test their limits, share what they create, and delight in the gifts of others. Shelyn preaches (and practices) that true beauty comes from within, and she favors romances not based solely on lust. Clerics of Shelyn endeavor each day to create something of beauty, whether artistically or through unconventional forms, such as a gardener tending a flower garden. Paladins of Shelyn are rare, far rarer than those who revere no single deity but there have been some, such as Saint Marcus Odeber son of Arn Odeber, first of the Odeber line. Her Rangers and Druids are usually the types who live off the land, content to watch over places of natural beauty or perhaps hire themselves out to lovers in need of a fresh start in a new place. (Gods/Magic p37) Aside from the Taldor Humans, Shelyn is a favored deity of Gnomes, Half-Elves and Halflings. Storm Giants worship her as Syriss, goddess of music, and believe she is the daughter of Sky-god Hyjarth and Sea-god Tourithia (both Gozreh).

Shelyn has been known to offer divine pacts to mortals who finally realize the importance of beauty in the midst of battle. In exhange for a small measure of her divine protection (see: Shelyn's Warm Embrace, Elves of Golarion, p28) Shelyn encourages these "foxhole converts" to give every living creature the chance to find the beauty within and leaves them strangely reluctant to strike the first blow in combat.

◇Clerical Training: Clerics of Shelyn occasionally (frequently?) begin life as artists or musicians and only later come to serve in her clergy. Those who don't are taught to perform musically (whether on an instrument or just by singing) and are also taught an artistic skill (usually drawing, but sometimes painting, sculpting, or even acting or other performance arts). Weapon training, which only occurs for about an hour every other day or so, if at all, builds off motions learned from the acolyte's art or music (paladins frequently practice calligraphy, as the movement of the pen mirrors that of the glaive).

◇Quests: Quests for Shelyn usually involve rescuing―whether ancient artworks from destruction or star-crossed lovers from their families. They also involve the spreading of art and beauty. Finally, sometimes Shelyn sends followers on generic quests that promote goodness so she may free another soul from Whisperer of Souls.

◇Temples: As you might imagine, temples to Shelyn are filled with art and constantly (pretty much 24-7) have some kind of music playing within. They tend to be architectural marvels, and architects and builders frequently vie for the honor to build or repair a temple of Shelyn in order to show off their skills. Most settlements have at least a shrine or alter dedicated to Shelyn, but only the largest cities can really afford to house a temple dedicated to just her.

◇Rites: Rituals dedicated to Shelyn involve singing, regardless of the skill or tone-deafness of the participants. Only those who play a wind or brass instrument (or a chin-set instrument like a violin) are excused from singing. If a ritual can't be held at a shrine or temple to Shelyn, it should be held in some place surrounded by beauty (natural or man-made).

◇Heralds and Allies: Shelyn's herald is a ghaele azata who has served her since she was merely the goddess of beauty, art, and music. When Shelyn became NG so too did her herald. Her allies include bronze dragons and some other critters (that I'm sure we'll have to make up eventually).[3]


Before she became the goddess of love, Shelyn was flighty and shallow. Since discovering the capacity intelligent beings have for loving people and things that lack beauty, she tends to look for beauty in everyone and everything. “Beauty comes from within” is a relatively recent saying she introduced to Golarion, and it's a philosophy she not only practices herself, but she requires from her clerics. In this way, it's quite possible for a physically unattractive person to become a cleric of the goddess of beauty.

Shelyn's is a unique beauty unparalleled in the multiverse. She is (now) beautiful both without and within; all who see her see what they envision as the most perfect beauty (meaning she sppears different to everyone). Depictions of Shelyn, regardless of race or ethnicity, show her as a young woman barely out of her youth, with eyes of blue or silver. Shelyn's ankle-length chestnut hair bears several strands colored bright red, green, and gold. She always wears tasteful clothing and jewelry that accentuates her beauty without revealing too much of it. [4]

Shelyn focuses just as much attention on internal beauty as external, and she is considered also to have the most beautiful personality (which changed greatly when she became goddess of love, such to the point that some wonder if a little of her mother's personality didn't meld with hers). Thus, while lesser beauties might inspire jealousy in those who see them, she does not. Nor does she herself feel jealousy when a lesser beauty (i.e., any other) receives attention. She encourages the growth and appreciation of beauty, regardless of its source or admirers, and thus she is never jealous. She surrounds herself with flowers, colorful birds, artworks, and other things of beauty.

She doesn't use her beauty as a weapon (and she punishes that sort of behavior from her followers) and gently and kindly rejects all potential suitors. Some call her an eternal maiden (or sometimes, The Eternal Maiden), while others claim she is the lover of several gods, goddesses, and lesser beings. The truth, of course, is unknown. (Darker rumors put her in the bed of her half brother, but such whispered rumors never persist for very long, as Zon-Kuthon does not tolerate such things.)

○Art and Music
As aspects of her role as goddess of beauty, Shelyn also promotes the creation of art and the composing and performance of music. The art or music need not be particularly well done, just so long as the creator puts in effort. A naturally talented person who doesn't try but still makes beautiful art is appreciated (but not as much as an ungifted artist who struggles for days but still creates something only mediocre). A naturally talented person who doesn't try and creates something mediocre is shunned by Shelyn (and by extension, her clergy). Clerics of Shelyn frequently are artists themselves, although those without any talent more often become art critics or collectors.

Shelyn herself has an extensive collection of artwork (mostly gifts from potential suitors or worshipers, and most of which portray her). She also has a massive collection of violins (she is likely the greatest violinist in the multiverse) and a secret one of glaives (given to her by Zon-Kuthon or his followers as a sort of dark joke).

As the goddess of love, Shelyn encourages the proliferation of the feeling in all its forms. She is not the goddess of sexuality, lust, or fertility, and makes a very clear distinction between love and sexuality (although she does not in any way discourage erotic love). The few paladins who worship her practice courtly love, with female paladins attempting to win the attentions of attractive young noblemen (or sometimes, attractive young noblewomen). Shelyn and her clerics treat homosexual love as equal to heterosexual love.

◎Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon

When they first came into being, so very long ago, their mutual parent forced Zon-Kuthon to swear the Unbreakable Oath (better name pending) to the forces of Law. Zon-Kuthon swore that he would never harm Shelyn, nor would he stand by if others tried to harm her in his presence. In exchange for making the Unbreakable Oath, he received the glaive Whisperer of Souls (which Shelyn later stole from him… see below).

To this day, clerics of Zon-Kuthon not only don't harm known clerics of Shelyn (doing so results in harsh punishments that don't end with death) but sometimes actually try to protect such clerics if in danger (earning them rewards from their deity). For their part, clerics of Shelyn return the favor by looking the other way when they meet known clerics or cultists of Zon-Kuthon. (Except, of course, if the clerics or cultists are obviously harming innocents, defacing art, or otherwise being unforgivably bad in front of the clerics of Shelyn.) This arrangement might seem like a serious drawback for Zon-Kuthon, as other evil deities might take advantage of it to put him into uncomfortable positions. As it turns out, though, nobody ever really moves against Shelyn or her clergy.

◎Relationship with Other Deities

All other good and neutral deities (and creatures) like or love her. It's pretty much that simple. They like talking to her (and occasionally trying to woo her), and they certainly like looking at her. The relatively recently ascended god Cayden Cailean frequently attempts to win her over (and always fails), and has contributed greatly to her art and violin collections.

The evil deities (and most evil creatures) are mostly neutral toward her, although she and Urgathoa frequently argue (and their clergies do tend to get into skirmishes). She and Pharasma tend to have long philosophical debates, which always end when Pharasma points out that beautiful things like flowers grow from dead things (Shelyn has no argument against this). For the most part, evil deities leave Shelyn alone (and by extension, their clergy tend to ignore her clergy). She is not a martial goddess by any stretch and tends to stay as far from battle as possible, thus she has built up no animosity from the evil deities or their followers. She's mostly just there, and they mostly just ignore her. To this day, only Rovagug, CE god of wrath, disaster, destruction can resist Shelyn's charms at all times. He alone opposes her on any long-term basis (but only in that he opposes everything, and she is a thing) .
◎Whisperer of Souls

So how does the goddess of beauty and love get a glaive as her favored weapon? Shelyn bears the glaive gifted to her half brother in exchange for him swearing the Unbreakable Oath. The weapon was crafted by the former god of smiths, who fell during the same murderous spree that claimed Shelyn's mother. When he received it, the weapon corrupted Zon-Kuthon and convinced him to go to war against the other deities. It was during this war that Shelyn lost her mother and became goddess of love. When created, Whisperer of Souls was given the ability to absorb souls (hence its name) and once it absorbs 100 powerful souls (not just anybody's soul will do) it will become a god in its own right and bring about an era of murder and death. When Zon-Kuthon received the weapon it held no souls. By the time Shelyn stole Whisperer of Souls it had almost all it needed. In the time since, Shelyn has been able to free most of those souls thanks to the help of Nethys and brave adventurers (a grand quest of goodness must be performed to release a soul). Much to the frustration of Whisperer of Souls, it can't seem to corrupt Shelyn or influence her in any way (earning her the title "the Incorruptible"). Quite the opposite, in fact: when Shelyn first stole the weapon it was a nightmarish and hideous piece of craftsmanship, but in the millennia since, Shelyn has remade it into a beautiful piece of art. It still bears a few ugly bits here and there, but they become less pronounced with each soul she releases.


[1] Erik Mona et al. (2008). Campaign Setting, p. 247. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Mike McArtor. (March 8, 2008). A Duo of Deities, Paizo Blog.
[3] Mike McArtor. (July 3, 2007). Gods of Pathfinder, Paizo Messageboards.
[4] Erik Mona & Jason Bulmahn. (2008). Gazetteer, Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-077-3
最終更新:2016年04月11日 00:01