

称号 達人中の達人Master of Masters
属性 秩序にして中立
権能 歴史、知識、自己完成
信奉者 モンク、ヴードラ人
クレリックの属性 秩序にして善、秩序にして中立、真なる中立、秩序にして悪
領域 力、知識、秩序、治癒、ルーン
好む武器 素手打撃



 『アズヴァデーヴァ・プジラthe Azvadeva Pujila』の中で語られる物語は、悟りと神性への究極の上昇のためにイローリが行った探求を物語る。彼の甥グルハスタGruhasthaは、イローリが涅槃界Nirvanaに昇った後もヴードラ、そして実際にゴラリオンで人々を見守り続けた。







チェムチェム(Chem Chem)

 このイローリお気に入りの従者は、知性を持つセレスチャル・ホワイトタイガーである。 [2]

“第六生”(Sixth Rebirth)

 このイローリお気に入りの従者は、 厳格なストーン・ジャイアントモンクである。[2]

“老人”(The Old Man)



 イローリは悟りと自己の向上を求めるあらゆる者によって信仰されており、ヴードラとジャールメレイ島(the Isle of Jalmeray)に多くの神殿を持つ。また、彼がイロ=シュIro-Shuとして敬われるティエン・シア大陸にも多くの信者を持つ。







『足枷の解放』(Unbinding the Fetters)





[1] Erik Mona et al. (2008). Campaign Setting, p. 246. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Sean K Reynolds. (2008). Gods and Magic, p. 22. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[3] Sean K Reynolds. (2008). Gods and Magic, p. 23. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8

            • (原文)

Titles Master of Masters
Alignment Lawful neutral
Portfolio History, Knowledge, Self-perfection
Worshipers monks, Vudrani
Cleric Alignments LG, LN, N, LE

Domains Healing, Knowledge, Law, Strength, Rune
Favored Weapon unarmed strike

Irori (pronounced ih-ROHR-ee)[1] is a god of enlightenment and self-perfection. His followers claim that he was once a mortal who achieved absolute physical and mental perfection and thus attained divinity.[2] He is one of the core gods of, if not the most powerful deity of, the Vudrani pantheon.

Stories told in the Azvadeva Pujila recount Irori's quest for enlightenment and ultimate ascension to divinity. His nephew Gruhastha remained active in Vudra, and indeed Golarion, to watch over it's people after Irori ascended to Nirvana.

Irori respects that other deities are different spiritual beings and that what is correct for him may not be so for them. As such, he tries to avoid interfering with other divine beings unless they threaten his work or his people.[2]

◎Appearance and Emissaries
Irori sees no need to distort or embellish upon his being. When he appears his avatar is that of a male of flawless physique and serene expression. He appears much as his followers depict him, often sitting or in meditative stance.[2]

Irori holds enlightenment and the quests for knowledge and self-perfection of both body and mind above all. As such sentient creatures are more associated with his faith than any animals or beasts.

◇Chem Chem
This favored servant of Irori is an intelligent celestial white tiger. [2]
◇Sixth Rebirth
This favored servant of Irori is a dour stone giant monk.[2]
◇The Old Man
Appearing as an elderly human male of uncertain ethnicity, with a dexterity and strength far beyond a mortal of his build, The Old Man is Irori's herald. [2]

◎Church of Irori
Irori is worshiped by all who seek enlightenment and self-improvement, he has many temples in Vudra and on the Isle of Jalmeray. He also has a large following on the continent of Tian Xia where he is venerated as Iro-Shu.

○Worshipers and Clergy
Irori's priesthood consists primarily of clerics and monks. Priests are responsible for mentoring others as they try to attain self-perfection either by guiding followers or through rigorous testing and trials. Each must follow their own slightly different path to enlightenment but there is little infighting among Irori's followers. [3]

○Temples and Shrines
Temples are usually sprawling complexes, featuring rooms for prayer, sleep and exercise, where the faithful train night and day, an endless quest to achieve perfection and purify their ki, or life-force. [3] They are not generally open to the public, and petitioners are asked to wait quietly outside and not disturb those who are meditating within.

○Holy Texts
The followers and adherents of Irori's ways hold all knowledge as sacred, specifically that which can help to improve oneself and lead one closer to enlightenment.

◇Unbinding the Fetters
This is a lengthy tome describing meditation, physical exercises, dietary regimes and other methods to help mortals transcend their limitations.[3]

Rituals require very specific preparation, both in mediation and diet, and each path to enlightenment may require different holidays and holy experiences.

[1] Erik Mona et al. (2008). Campaign Setting, p. 246. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Sean K Reynolds. (2008). Gods and Magic, p. 22. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[3] Sean K Reynolds. (2008). Gods and Magic, p. 23. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
最終更新:2017年08月03日 19:06